Chapter 6

257 9 4

June, 13, 2022

Rufus POV

“GET OUT OF THE DAMN BUS! Francis screamed loudly and slamming pots and pans together waking up

We ran out of bus wearing nothing but our boxers and T-shirts we ended up outside

“What the hell?” Tagoe asked breathing heavily but we all stopped breathing when we saw the engine of the bus on fire and saw Jenni on the phone with the fire department

“What the hell happened?” I asked seeing the fire coming out of engin

“No fucking clue but this is fucking us, Where is the damn fire figthers?” Franics said and took a handful of painkillers and swallowed it with no water

“5 minutes” Jenni Lori told him

“5 minutes I might as well put out the damn fire myself”  Francis growled as the fire department came and took care of the fire, when they were finished the entire front of our bus was black with ash fire burn

“Okay some good news the fire didn't spread inside the van so all your personal belongings should be intact, unfortunately the engin shot” The firefighter told us

“We can’t drive it at all?” Francis asked

“Not unless you're okay with blowing up” The fight fighter joke but none of us were in a laughing mood

“We can call you a tow driver but thats all we can do” The firefighter told us

“Great thank you” Jenni Lori told him and we watched them drive off

“Fucking perfect” Francis said and smoked a cigarette

“What now?” Tagoe asked

“Well first thing first you boys need to gather all your clothes and anything else important while I find us a hotel and a good mechanic” Jenni Lori told us and we walked back into the bus

I grabbed some clothes, pictures of my family, blankets, and pillows and walked out. I looked to see Malclom holding the same, and Tagoe just had clothes and a single pillow.

Jenni Lori already had an Uber waiting for us and she and Francis were already inside.

We got inside and we started driving.

The entire car ride was so quiet, None of us knew what the hell to say and it was making me uncomfortable but not enough to break the thick ice in the room.

We parked in front of an hotel building and we walked inside and the girl in front gasped and jumped when she saw us

“We need 3 room, Two with one bed and one with 2 beds” Francis told her

“I…um..of…that’ll be 60 dollars” She blushed and I could tell she took a picture of us but I didn’t care

Francis gave her 60 dollars in cash and we walked to our rooms, In our room their were two beds

“I’m taking the single room ” Tagoe said and walked into a room and locked the door

“Let’s share the other one” Malcolm smiled and dumped his clothes on the small green couch and laid down on one bed

“Our bus better be fixed tomorrow” I muttered annoyed placing my clothes next to my bed and crawled into bed

“So we can go to the meet and greet? Or so you can sleep in your own bed” Malcolm asked with a yawn

“Both” I answered plainly

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