🕸Family life 1🕸

62 3 5

Trigger warnings- @bus3 D@ddy issu3s h1tt1ng

Characters- Utsuro, Yuki Maeda, Aiko Maeda, Liam Maeda





°Utsuro grew up with his dad when his mom and dad separated

°His dad is super abusive

°One time Utsuros dad came home super drunk and couldn't stop hitting Utsuro

°Ever since their parents had gotten divorced he hasn't been the same

°Utsuro generally didn't know what love felt like till he was like 19

°He bites his nails A LOT as a coping mechanism

°His dad says he will never be a real man which is why Utsuros a Demi-boy 

°Sato Fuji [The main one of Utsuros bullies] reminds Utsuro a lot of his dad their for he is scared of him.

°Utsuro once slept in a trashcan after his dad didn't let him in the house 

°Utsuro once tried to khs when visiting his dad

Utsuro Headcanons inspired by- Nikei-YomiuriWhere stories live. Discover now