The feast of the realm pt2

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Mara grunted lying in the cold concrete floor " my my~" she gasped and paled at the facial sounding voice

" I thought you were stronger than this Mara, what happened?" It was mercer

" oh hell no!" She immediately pulled out swung, a sword, both blades clashing in a fierce battle

Meanwhile main battle

Vex got up and shot another arrow as Pike and Grog ran past, Grog going for Sylas as Pike went to heal Vax. "No one kills Vax but me!" Grog yelled as he swung his battle axe at Sylas who moved back dodging.

"I've got you, Vax." She grasped her necklace "Come on, come on, come on, please!" It started whirring and glowing before Vax grunted regaining consciousness "Thanks, Pickle." He smiled weakly "Had him right where I wanted him." She smiled relived

Then saw kelyleth and vex rush pass chasing deliah, the black lighting dodged all vex's arrows, Kelyleth created a storm of bees to sent them at Delilah who only turned them around " I think not!" And sent them back at Keyleth and Vex making them step back

Grog looked like he was struggling against sylas, who laughed at the giants Miss swings " These are Emon's "Protectors of the Realm"?" He mocked, then punched grog in the face, Percy used grogs distraction to shoot sylas, grog perking up at the injury Percy did however lost it when sylas smirked as his wounded shoulder healed

"Oh, shit. That ain't good."pike exclaimed as the man laughed, a blade appearing in his hand "My blade thirsts." And swung his sword, it in Percy's direction, knocking his pepper box out of his hand, he dodged the other two slices until grog stepped in and blocked the mans attacks "You got a sword. Oh, that's cute." Grog mocked before the two swung at each other

Sylas's blade doing more damage, grog skid back, sylas's blade sounded like it drank the blood, and grew longer, much to the giants surprise " You were saying?"As Percy went for his weapon, deliah knocked Kelyleth and vex into him

"So, we're not doing terrible, right?" Kelyleth asked as she and vex got back up

"No, this is terrible." Vex groaned

Cut back to inside

"♪ Pull on my f*ck' beads ♪" scanlan smothering himself in mash, his...dancing was, kinda sensual "♪ Of love, of love ♪ " even that man from before was digging it

"♪ Pull on my f*ck' beads ♪ ♪ Of love, of love ♪ ♪ Ow! ♪"Lady allura face palmed

Back to the fight

Mara yelped when she was thrown back, dropping her blade in the process, slowly approached and just before he could grab her, she quickly made a symbol and changed  "Aspiro Frigis!!!"And made a giant Glacier of ice, however what shocked her most, was he just walked through " what..." she grabbed one of her knifes and threw it, but it just went right through him and like that poof, he vanished" and illusion?....W-where's the real one?!" But she stopped and heard the metal clanking and turned to see Grog wasn't looking good either, and sylas's was getting bigger the more blood it drew from the giant " Oh, no. Hold on, Grog!" Pike held onto her amulet and helped Grog fight with his axe, making it glow golden " Ah. Oh, you the best, Pike." And began swinging his blade at sylas, managing to cut his wrist "Ooh, I bet that hurt."

Deliah appeared behind the gnome  "This one is entirely too much trouble." Delilah appeared beside her and shot a curse at the gnome, making her cry out and also breaking her amulet

Grogs weapon stopped glowing and dodged atlas normally "Ball tag time!" But sylas had fully recovered and resumed his battle with frog before punching him in the face Then after the gnome "Your gods can't help you now!" Sylus taunted About to Swing down his blade, She gasped thinking her life was about to end, When someone jumped in front of her, gasping at the sight of Mara about to be killed "No, no, no, no, Mara! Pike!" Keyleth yelled and shot vines between the couple and her companions

Sylas was about to do something when he and his wife heard soldiers shouting "What's going on? Go get the captain!"

"There they are. In the courtyard! Over there!"

"Desmond!"deliah yelled, they're carriage pulled around, with they're servant in front
"Lady Briarwood, I did as you ordered. Your belongings are here..." he yelps, when sylas grabbed him and threw him off the drivers seat "I'll drive, thank you."

Delilah climbing on "Stop them!" Percy yelled as he shot at the vines opening up a hole for us to run

"Come visit us sometime, Percival, You're always welcome back home." Delilah called out as the coach took off, Percy raised his gun up to shoot but it was out of bullets, and they were gone.

The others walked out from behind the vines  "No! I had them! Had them!"His glare moved to Keyleth "And you let them slip away." The group took a step back in shock but his anger

Keyleth was holding up a barely conscious Vax and Pike was staring in fear at her broken amulet.   "I-I didn't" Keyleth began to tear up

"everlight," Pike sadly looked at the amulet in her palms and watched the light die out. "No. No, please." 

The servant groaned on the ground as he recovered from his fall from the carriage. Percy turned to the man

"You." He stomoted towards them reloading his weapon and kicked the man to the ground. "Start talking. Why were the Briarwoods here? What were they after?"  The man cowarded away from Percy, "Uh, they were invited, like you. By Sovereign Uriel." Desmond replied

"Sylas and Delilah have never left the confines of Whitestone before. Why here? Why now?" Percy aimed the gun between the man's eyes, black smoke start to seep out, He reached for the mask in his pocket, "Answer me... now." 

"What the actual fuck?" Vax looked in worry at the man before him.

"Holy shit, Percy. What are you doing?" Vax asked him.

  "Please," Desmond begged. "I'm-I'm only a servant. They-they don't tell me anything. Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!" 

There was a bang and the man's hand that was there a second ago was now strewn behind him. Blood gushed from his wound crying in pain

"Percy, stop!" Vex called to him as Mara covered her mouth in shock

"You fool. Now your soul is forfeit."  Before Percy could fire another shot, a loud vociferous interrupted  Sovereign Uriel, "Halt right there! What is the meaning of this!? Guards, arrest Vox Machina." 

The guards rush out "Quickly! Go, go" quickly and surrounded the group aiming they're spears "Nobody move! Hands where we can see 'em."

Scanlan whoops and laughs as he appears behind sovereign uriel " They loved me in there!" He cheered covered in mash "Oh, I was on fire!" He looked up "Huh?" noticed the group being detained "f*ck...." he groaned

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