The middle part two

Start from the beginning

That evening I go to see Jimin, needing to get some things off my mind. He was roommates with Taehyung, so we took a walk down to one of the gardens, to talk there.
It was very nice, even to just pretend to be back on earth for a few minutes with a trusted friend and talk about life.
After that I saw him more often, I needed it with all of the stress that teaching teens going through a huge life change brought me.
Yeosang and I talked often about them and different ways to help them, but Taehyung and his art classes seemed to be doing the most good for them. Jimin called it art therapy, but I called it magic.
Once the teens got into a bit of a schedule, I was finally free to spend a bit less time preparing for the extra work and see Taeyong more.
One day right before our dinner period, I stopped by his door and knocked, feeling the nerves course through my body as it slowly opened to reveal his roommate.
"Hi," He says, looking sleepy in an oversized t-shirt and shorts.
"Hi," I say back, "Um this is Taeyong's room, right?"
He appears to wake up slightly and nods, "Are you Yn?" He asks, standing up straighter.
There's a noise in the room behind him and he holds up a finger, closing the door slightly to look behind him before he laughs.
"He's coming, give him a second," He says and then smiles, "I'm Ten by the way."
"Nice to meet you!" I smile back and shake his outstretched hand as the door moves open more fully, revealing Taeyong, hair messy and shirt buttoned askew.
"Am I interrupting?" I ask, wondering what had been happening in the room before I knocked.
Taeyong shakes his head violently, making his fluffy hair fly around, "We were just sleeping and not expecting you."
He says it shyly as if he isn't sure if I will believe him.
"Oh, okay," I say and then clear my throat, "I was just coming by to see if you wanted to go to dinner with me and Yeosang?"
His eyes go wide and then he nods, a smile tugging at his mouth.
"You might want to fix your shirt first," I say sheepishly pointing at the unevenly done buttons and he turns red before disappearing from the doorway, "You want to come as well?" I ask Ten.
And that is how, fifteen minutes later, both of our friend groups have commandeered the largest table in the dining hall, Ten, Lucas, and Taeyong looking slightly overwhelmed at the sheer number of people that come over and sit down with us.
Unfortunately, this was also the night Jungkook had decided to finally try and talk to Taehyung. But Taehyung had other plans, walking in with Hyunjin and Jeongin and talking to both boys animatedly at the other end of the table.
Jungkook looked crushed and I quickly pulled him from the room, forgetting completely about the food still on my tray.
Taehyung came out soon after and I glared at him and Jungkook started to cry on my shoulder.
"What happened?" Taehyung asks, looking confused and concerned.
Jungkook started to cry harder, and I tightened my grip around him as I glared at Taehyung.
"You seriously don't know what you have been putting him through?"
"Me?" Taehyung asks, voice cracking as he whispers the single word.
"How can you not know how much he loves you? He's been in love with you for years! And you flirt with him just to parade other guys in front of him the next day! I love you Taehyung, but you've been a real piece of crap."
Taehyung stares in shock at me and Jungkook, trying to absorb the information as I pet Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook pushes away from me slightly, catching his breath, "Tae, you don't owe me anything, I'll try and get over you," He steps away as if to run down the hallway away from both me and Taehyung but suddenly Taehyung is moving, almost knocking me off my feet in his haste.
When I regain my balance, I look up to see Taehyung holding Jungkook's wrist and looking the younger man in the eye as he talks to him, his voice quiet and sincere. Jungkook looks back at Taehyung, tears still running down his face as Taehyung talks and then finally starts to cry more, nodding as Taehyung wraps his arms around the younger man, as tight as he can.
I raise one eyebrow at them while Taehyung places kiss after kiss into Jungkook's hair and nods to myself, I was no longer needed here.
Yeosang gave me a questioning look as I walked back into the dining room and gave him a thumbs up, hoping that it would convey that everything went well. And I was hoping it did go well, whatever Taehyung had said seemed to be positive and Jungkook's tears had seemed to be more from relief than sadness.
Taeyong looked at me, confused as to what happened but I told him I would explain later he just nodded, and we all went back to our previous conversation. From then on, Jungkook and Taehyung were pretty much inseparable, and every time I saw either of them it brought a smile to my face.

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