5. All mutts go to hell

Start from the beginning

"No, no, no! Why did they bring you here- They promised if I came they'd- make you- stay!" M/n's line was chopped, the agony in his voice like being splashed by hot oil. "Well, I'm here now, I'm sorry. They made me." Katsuki shut his eyes, imagining his brother shoving a fist to his mouth to muffle the broken sobs.

"Just stay far- Tiny! They've captured- they've got- And I need to get him!" His brother sounded fed up with this stupid war, with the broken trust tethered to his back, "Stay where I can find you- I'll get him first!"

"Get who?" Katsuki cried as a large explosion rattled his ribs from afar, many heroes being blown back like dandelion seeds spread in the wind. "Find me first! We'll fight together!" He begged, trying to pull that guilty leash around his brother's neck.

"I need- the both of you- Safe! Have to-get him home to- his mom!" M/n yelled, somewhere out there amongst the ash and bellowing screams, "I'll get him- and find- You! I'll find you- Tiny! Just-"

On the other side of a deep trench, a mushroom cloud billowed like a blinding parachute, stilling the boisterous air for moment, stilling the rush of air in Kat's lungs.

"Get down!" Death Arms roared, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and pushing his face into the mud. The piece in his ear shattered on impact at the first wave of holy light. A horrible, high-pitched ringing filled his skull.

M/n never found him because he was used as the match to spark the end.

Shigiraki had lured him into a gas cloud and set the world alight.

They never found the body of the seventeen year old soldier.

Bakugou M/n wanted to be buried as a civilian, amongst crowded headstones and familiar people blowing noses into rags. Katsuki and his family were there, alongside battered friends and comrades. Some kid that M/n had looked after at the YHA was there too, hidden behind the leg if his older sibling. The kid looked like he wanted to cuss out the man who promised to return from the war and see him graduate.

In matching black attire; he, Izuku and M/n's other brothers-in-arms carried an empty coffin in the parade. The YHA flag draped over the wood like a dirty napkin to festering wound. Katsuki wanted to rip the offending piece off, as M/n never wanted to be a martyr for the mass child-soldier producing sweatshop.

Masaru had to be dragged from his eldest son's grave, screaming his hoarse lungs out, his pale wife too weak to comfort him. She had pushed him to enlist, the promise that the YHA would hold Katsuki back. To keep one brother safe. She never dreamed it would come to fruition, and it was eating her alive.

As the snivelling procession filtered out, Izuku and Tiny were the only figureheads left, staring at an empty box in the ground.

"It's cruel what they did to his name. They should never have put that." Midoriya's throat was raw, bruised by Shigiraki's fingerprints, "He was a hero, he came to rescue me." His voice the calmest Katsuki had ever heard. It was eerie, that they were no longer playing in the park, fighting for M/n's attention. They looked upon the stone, marked with the solemn words "Born to die a mutt'.

General Kurutta's farewell offering for her favourite chess piece.

Straining his jaw, Tiny looked upward as grey clouds rolled in, soft pitter patters raining down on his suit's shoulder-pads. Hopefully the pour would hide his tears.

"He shoulda never gone after you." He grit out, making Izuku's eyebrows furrow, "He wasted his life protecting you." He spat.

"He wasn't just 'yours', Kachan." Izuku was astounded, an ugly anger rearing it's head, "He was everyone's brother-"

"HE SHOULD HAVE DIED FOR ME!" The rage in Kat's lungs sent a flock of crows flurrying from their perch, melancholy caws dying out above the church spire.

Turning his back on the husk of his childhood friend, Izuku muttered a pained request. "You've always been so selfish with him, Kachan. You knew, you always knew, he would die for anyone. Please, just... let him rest."

Hiccuping the rage the bubbled in his throat, Katsuki sunk to his knees as Izuku's shadow left the graveyard. The green-haired boy wandered off to find his mother whom had berated Mitsuki so harshly until gasping sobs had consumed her small, fragile frame. Two sons had gone to war, and now she could never look at one's favourite flower again.

Head in forlorn hands, Katsuki dry heaved into his withered palms. M/n was supposed to come back and find him. They were real brothers after all.

Now there was no one left to die for him. This was the harshest good-bye; a pure soul abandoning the rotten one. An all consumed darkness, whom the universe had gifted a whisper of light, forever shall he mourn. Turns out his everything was a someone.

A/N: my first request! Tysm,, I hope I did it justice!! I promised fluff in this poor book so please feel free to request any one shot/ headcanons,, they can be angst too I just thought we could lighten the morbid theme lmao 💀 I love writing your guy's ideas!!

If u have a request concerning the Baku-bros,, shoot me a Dm and I'll be happy to give it a go :)

Leicester <33

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