2 | 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙨

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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2

Toga drowsily woke up, eyes blurring at the light that seeped in through her curtains. What.. time is it..? She thought, her brain feeling like mush. Her eyelids still felt heavy, and she almost gave into the temptation to fall back asleep, into the comfortable warm of her plush blankets.

Her eyes closed as she yawned, decidedly sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. As much as she wished she could sleep the day away, even the rest of her days, she had to get up. Even if her bed willed her to stay, if only for just five more minutes..

Before she could fall back onto her soft mattress, a notification rang from her cell phone, causing her to perk up at the sound.

A cell phone? Ah.. Right.

She stared at it, watching as the screen flashed before fading back to black.

I shouldn't answer, she thought as she reached for the device. "This is bad," she mumbled, flipping it open to see the messages she had purposely ignored the day prior. I should chuck this out the window and get on with my life, she concluded, typing up a response as she argued in her mind.

Good morning!!!!
How are ypouu???
Sorry typo.. I meant you*

just woke up.. im so tired even tho i slept for like.. 9 hours

I feel the same.. I have to get up so early for my classes T3T
Do you have classes?


Toga bit her lip, trying to think of a response. Yua, the girl she had taken blood from, did in fact go to school. However, she didn't wish to risk lying. After all.. I have no clue how highschool actually works, I just thought the uniforms were cute. It won't hurt to be just a bit truthful, right?

no, i ended up dropping out

She watched the three circles bubble as she suddenly became anxious of the other's response. She's going to think I'm weird. What type of person stops going to school right after middle school? This is really stupid. Even worse, she'll connect the dots and know it's me. I'm Himiko Toga, the cold-blooded serial killer who killed a person just to talk to her two years ago. She's going to find out it's me and then report me to the heroes. I'm so dumb. Why did I think talking with heroes again would be a good idea? It only ends in heartbreak. I should've known, it's just like when Jin became friends with Keigo. I'm making the same mistakes he–


Toga immediately glanced down.

To be honest.. I nearly dropped out too. I wanted to start working after middle school to help out my family.
I understand!!! At least to a little extent

She.. understands..? Toga clutched the phone in her hand tighter, staring down at the messages with an unintentional smile. We are so alike it's cruel.. I hate it. I can't help wishing I was her. Even if just for a moment, I want to live her life, her experiences. It's so dangerous to think like this. But I would give up my life to live her normal. I wanted to be a teenager too.

Toga sighed as she reread the message over and over, feeling her stomach flip. I feel so sick, but I can't recall ever being as jittery as I am now in the past two years. It's not fair that I shouldn't indulge in what makes me feel better, even if I'll feel worse in the end.

i luv learning more abt u :3
srry if that's weird
but it's true

I like learning about you too
And the way you type is really cute ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ

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