Hearing her cries

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Harry POV

At first I don't know why I wake up, but when I sit up, I see my gorgeous wife standing on the balcony of our bedroom, her body shaking with suppressed sobs. I slip out of bed and walk to the balcony, my heart breaking for my wife.

"My love, are you okay?" I ask her before mentally facepalming myself: of course she's not okay. I chide myself. Meghan jumps and turns her head towards me, tears are running rapidly down her face, causing my heart to break even more.

"Meg, what's going on, love?" I ask her, standing beside her and rubbing my hand up and down her bare brown arm, trying to bring her some comfort.

Meghan is quiet for some time before she turns to me, her brown eyes full of anger and tears.

"You're seriously asking me that?! You don't know?!" She exclaims, keeping her voice low so as not to wake up Arch and Lili who are snuggled up in their bed, which is where my wife  should be, with my arms wrapped around her. I look at my wife, my brain is trying to find out why my wife is so upset, but it comes up empty.

"Meghan, just tell me what's going on." I tell her calmly, hoping that my calming voice will in turn calm her down.

"Have you read the headlines recently?! They're calling me a narcissist who has destroyed the beloved Royal Family!" She yells, her voice raising to a shout, tears still pour down her cheeks. I groan and scrub a hand down my face.

I can't believe she's been reading those things again. I immediately wrap my arms around my wife and tuck her head between my shoulder and neck, letting her hot tears slide onto my skin as I rub her back.

"Listen to me, Meg, I told you once and I'll tell you again: you are not a narcissist and you did not destroy the Royal Family, we left because the tabloids were publishing false stories about you and our mental health were at an all time low, that is why we left, and they knew that, my love. You didn't ruin anything, okay?" I tell my wife in my arms, she nods into my neck so I know my speech hasn't gotten through to her, or at least for now.

"I love you, Meg." I whisper into her hair as I swing my wife into my wife, smiling when she snuggles into my chest.

Meghan POV

I lay my head on my husband's chest as he wraps his arms around me tightly.

"I love you so much, my love." He tells me in the darkness of our bedroom. I respond by burying my head deeper into his t-shirt clad chest.

"I love you too, Harry." Is the last thing I say before I slip into the world of dreams that contain my husband and our two children, Archie and Lili, the three most important people in my life.

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