" cmon get dressed" she said hurriedly  " I'm going to have a cereal bar"

She ran off into the kitchen,  I laughed and began to get changed


Y/ns POV

Me and Aidan sat beside one and other on the bus , school started in seventeen minutes and we were ten minutes away

I felt Aidan rest his hand on my thigh,  he rubbed it up and down gently

" you ok after the dream?" He asked

" absolutely fine" I smiled " I was just startled,  but I'm over it now."

" good to know" he pecked my cheek

The bus stopped  close to my house  , felix should be getting on now .

Several students piled onto the bus , and low and behold  felix sat on the seats next to us

" beth bitched at me all day yesterday " he groaned while slumping down in his seat beside aidan  " felix do this but not like that  ,felix dont do that ,felix go to bed, felix stop playing video games ,felix stop texting jax, beth stop pestering me !"

I laughed gently at his outburst "maybe you should've gone to bed then"

" dont take sides!" He exclaimed then sitting up properly and staring at me " my days already bad enough, jax isn't coming, because hes ill"

" mhm" I chuckled " and hows that little romance going for you"

He went red and threw a revision book at me , a maths one

" thanks , I needed to buy one of these anyway " I shrugged with a smirk

" you bitch give it back!" He reached over Aidan to try and snatch it from me

" you guys might as well be siblings " aidan crossed his arms and sighed

" give it ba-"

Suddenly he got pulled out of his seat by the hood of his hoodie and landed on the floor

Anita climbed over him and sat beside aidan I scowled at her

" why are you sat next to her?" She asked him " I thought you didn't like liars"

" I dont " aidan replied " and I'm sat next to her because shes not lying.  She is my girlfriend,  now please.  Leave us alone "

She looked at his hand on my thigh and scoffed

" no" she said " you can do so much better and I'll show you that right now !"

She sat on his lap, he put his arm up so he didn't touch her at all

She bounced on his lap slightly, I watched in disgust

" oh what's wrong with you" she turned to face him ,still on his lap " when I normally do this people become hard within three seconds . But you..." she looked down " not even close "

" maybe if you were y/n I would be , but you're not. And now, I'm deeply discomforted by your actions.  And I have every right to report you for this. So kindly, fuck. Off" aidan glared at her threateningly

She scoffed and walked off to her minions

" guys hes totally into me" she squealed

" you ok darling?" I held his hand

" yeah" he nodded  " yknow I didn't want that right? "

" of course " I replied " I know you have standards "

He silently nodded once more and then looked down, his arms crossed while his leg bounced rapidly

" hey,  are you sure you're ok?" I asked again

" yeah...fine " he said quietly, still not daring to look at me " it was just kinda creepy. And " his eyebrows furrowed out of confusion and anger " its not fair that you have to go through stuff like that "

" aidan " I said , he looked at me "Its fine , im used to it . Thats why I'm asking if you're ok , because I know how it feels to be violated like that "

" but you're not used to it " he argued " y/n, if you were used to it you wouldn't have tried to ..." he paused and looked at my arms "you wouldn't have " he stopped himself once again " you wouldn't have tried to kill yourself " he finnaly spat out, trying to hold back tears

" aidan" I cupped his cheek " I'm ok"

" stop saying that " he finnaly let tears spill " because I know you aren't and I want to help with all this sexual assult and self harm stuff but I cant because you keep lying to me and telling me you're ok"

" but I am o-"

" I care about you to much to just take your word for it " he shook his head

I opened my arms allowed him to hug me tightly and bury his face in the crook of his neck

" I love you " he said

I smiled and kissed the top of his head " I love you too"

aidan Gallagher x y/n Where stories live. Discover now