"How are things with our sister?" Marco asked his brother in law as the waitress came over to top up their drinks. "Great" Matteo replied instantaneously with a smile, "still trying for baby"

"What are you shooting blanks?" Salvatore retorted jokingly and at the same time feeling a little strange about making jokes about his families sex lives. Matteo laughed back then knocked down the strong burning whiskey, "definitely not shooting blanks my friend. We're in no rush though, just enjoying trying"

"Whoa" at that point all three brothers looked a little disgusted, "conversation over" Marco stated loudly not needing to hear anything further about his innocent little sister.

The ladies had managed to arrive at Marquee just slightly over tipsy. They were still completely rational and civilized thanks to Adriana deciding they indeed needed to pace themselves, they were just really relaxed and much more friendly due to the boldness of the alcohol. They had enjoyed a nice casual dinner with their dates at a nearby Chinese restaurant. They continued on to a local bar for pre drinks before stumbling into Marquee with the intention to party.

"Us ladies are going to hit the ladies room for a few minutes guys, why don't you get us something to drink?" Claudia suggested grabbing onto Adriana's arm and dragging her to the ladies room for a quick update.

"So?" She enquired the moment the bathroom doors closed behind them. They stood in front of the mirror touching up their lipstick. "What do you think of Damien?" She asked curiously about her best friends opinion on the guy she was currently seeing. "He's nice" Adriana raised an eyebrow knowing Claudia did not want to hear about his 'niceness'. "Come on Ade, seriously!"

"He's definitely good looking, seems like your type, although he is also quite clingy, that's not your type" Claudia nodded, "I've been thinking the same thing about him. I thought maybe it's just because this is new, you know?"

"Absolutely, give him a few more weeks and he'll completely stop that"

"HEY!" Claudia shouted making Adriana burst out laughing, "I'm sorry that was such a low blow!"

"What about Christopher?"

"What about him Claudia?"

"Well, do you like him?" Adriana laughed a little nervously this time, "I don't know, he's nice too, but-"

"Adriana! You're impossible to please, give this guy a chance, you never give anyone a chance I try to set you up with. I'm starting to think you're a lesbian and one day you're going to wake up and confess your love towards me!" The puzzled look on Adriana's face told Claudia it would be a very cold freezing day in hell before that ever happened!

The guys somehow secured a small table in the corner of the Boom Box Room which was situated directly across from the dance floor and under the VIP area on the downstairs level. When the ladies returned they were welcomed back with two long glasses of champagne. "Aww thanks Damien" Claudia smiled taking the glass and pecking Damien on the lips thankfully. They sat in the corner on the brown pleated leather couches enjoying drinks and conversation waiting for a familiar song to really start to get loose and dance the remainder of the night away.

"So I hear you work in a bar?" Christopher asked trying to get to know his date a little better. She smiled taking another sip of the champagne and playing with the ends of her hair a little nervously. "I did. I was recently let go though, long story really but I'm sure I'll be fine, I'll be back in the workforce in no time hopefully" he nodded taking his glass of beer and raising it to cheers with her, "well here's to you and job searching on Monday" she laughed before clinging their glasses together playfully. At that moment she noticed someone familiar walking from the bar and through to the dance floor. He locked eyes with her but she could not figure out where she knew him from.

Silence in New York - Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora