We were just talking about your performance a while ago, and we wanted to congratulate you Y/N!~ Now! Into your schedule. She handed me a whole sheet of paper, and believe me or not, I knew something's bad gonna happen.

Turns out I was right

As I carefully scanned the content of the paper, I realized that my first class in the morning was to teach the Nevers, and afternoon for Evers...

But oh boy, it wasn't the worst part.

you will be residing in the residence of the School for Evil, since your morning classes will start there. The headmaster gave me a tight nod. We are confident about your skills Ms. Y/N, do not doubt yourself. You handled Dark Magic quite professionally, as we had noticed.
NO I DONT! I wanted to scream! I balled my fist quite too hard and hissed when I felt my nails dug too deep, crimson blood dripping. And of course I took action as to not let them notice, as I smiled and nodded my head, feigning excitement.

Now run along dearie! And get some rest, I expect Lady Lesso to properly guide you to your quarters, in a pleasing manner, oh you just tell me if she doesn't, I ll giver her a piece of my mind

I excused myself and walked outside, heart beating mercilessly fast. At first, I was intrigued by the older woman, she had such... Sinister demeanor, and as our eyes met, even it was just a swift gaze, I already felt myself being pulled towards her, a connection. Ugh for god's sake! Should I just speed things up and try to get laid by her?! Hoping it might clear things up. Question is... Does she even feel those things? What if she doesn't?!
I mentally screamed. You know what, let's just relax, you know? There no use thinking about things that is not even happening... Yet

As I neared the Evil schools entrance, the wolf guards snarled at me for being in a close approximate. I swallowed any fear that is evident both in my mind and expression.  I returned their gaze with a bored look,  hoping they ll buy my facade.

Good eve gents, can you let me pass? I was told I'm going to be residing for the semester.

One of them huffed in annoyance
We are aware of your presence Ever, the Dean is expecting you, follow us. He snarled as if this is against his will, after all, I'm still considered as an Ever, and just being in the same area as me, seems to be a great displeasure for them... Not that I care, if they're gonna hurt me, might as well enjoy myself right? I wandered my sight towards the inside of the School for Evil, it screams Dark Grace and Beauty, certainly does not hold a single detail of... Glimmer and Sunshine.

When we arrived at the front door, labeled "DEANS OFFICE" and they rudely pushed me forward, not caring if they almost dislocated my shoulder. And I didn't like one single bit of their attitude.

Unaware, I chuckled darkly, and turned around to face them. I've just had enough, and I am not going to end this day me being pushed around and mocked! I swiftly positioned the flute on my mouth, and I heard them laughed
What are you gonna do Ever? Play us a happy tune?? Make us dance and giggle?? And they laughed again, as their spit almost splattered on my face, but I didn't budge, nor care. Instead, I smiled rather wickedly.

Oh, you will dance alright.


As soon as the tune went out from the flute, their eyes started to haze and their mindless body swayed, like puppets standing up but without strings. They harshly clutched their weapons aiming at each other, clawing and breaking whatever they can, the other growled and howled in pain and anger, while the other whimpered and scrambled against the floor as he was the one to receive most of the blow. The more intense my play is the more brutal their fight was. And just as they were equally exhausted and injured, I ended my tune with a harsh halt.

Their conscious was back, and they felt every scratch, bruise, broken limps and cuts. They fell to the ground with a loud thump, knees supporting their whole body.

The next time... Our paths crossed, I wanted to be treated at least the decency of respect as a teacher. They nodded weakly, fear and embarrassment in their eyes... Now I may be have done some ... Things, but I'm not purely cruel. The moment I did something awful, it never always felt right, so I try to fix it.

I grabbed my flute slowly, earning a flinch from the wolf guards, thinking I'm going to hurt them. But instead, I healed them... It's draining me of my energy fast, since healing is not the easiest spell for me. And with that, they stood up and bowed.

When they left, I started to stagger, forcing myself to keep a steady walk back to the deans front door. I feel so tired... Sh*t, lucky day I guess

I just needed some documents from her, and my room, then finally I can rest. But my body begged to differ as I felt myself losing balance and blacking out. Guess we're sleeping on the floor .

In Between (Fanfic of the School for good and Evil) Lady Lesso X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now