I heard buzzing and looked over to see Laura's face on Clint's phone. "Clint," I said a tear escaping my eye. He looked to where I was and ran to his phone quickly answering. Scott was walking towards where the window was when a shadow began to settle over us. "guys," Scott said as we all now saw the ships flying over us. Suddenly explosions rang out and I was forced back landing and rubble falling down on me. Arms wrapped around me and the coolness told me it was Eric. I turned to looked up at him and was met with his worried eyes. "Are you alright ástin mín?" He asked as he and Godric pushed back rubble. I nodded as we got up and made our way out of the rubble. As we climbed out we saw Thor standing there staring at something. The closer we got the more my rage built. Thanos sat on top of some rubble just watching us. "What's he been doing?" Tony asked as we stopped beside Thor. Thor shook his head and kept his eyes on Thanos. "Absolutely nothing, just sitting there as if he's waiting," Thor replied. I let my energy flow over me, in emerald, creating a new armor on me. "Well then let's go have a chat and not keep him waiting any longer shall we," I growled out, taking a step forward. My power grew the emerald now missing with the purple, seeing him again. Eric and Godric stuck close and Thor summoned his hammer and axe to him, a flash of lighting changing his clothes to Asgardian armor.

Thanos looked up at us smirking. "At first I thought about my work, but seeing you and they determination you hold to save these people. I can't stop with just half of everything here, as long as one of you survived hope lives on," he said looking bored. We watched as more ships flew in and we could see his army filling the ground behind him. "Don't you get it, you lose, but there is no outcome here for you where you come out on top," Tony spat at him. I remembered him saying that to Loki when he had invaded under Thanos' control. My energy began to become more solid as we got closer, now coming out in tendrils. Thanos looked to me and saw my eyes even glowing in the emerald and purple mixture. "You seem angry daughter, come let me help you," he said holding a hand out to me. I sneered at him before taking a step in front of the others. "I am not your daughter and I promise you Thanos, before you die you will watch as i turn your army into ash," I said coldly as my power swelled. Thanos placed his helmet on as he signaled to his army. "We shall see," he said and his army began charfing at us. We all began running as well and Thor and I let out battle cries as we clashed with the Chitauri.

I flung energy everywhere and felt rushes of air as Eric and Godric fought with me, keeping the Chitauri off of me. We fought endlessly as the Chitauri continued to batter us. An energy ball I flung collided with a shot from a Chitauri weapon sending me flying back. Arms wrapped around me and i saw blue as me and the person slid back into a piece of rubble. I rolled off of who I now knew was Steve and we both lay bruised and bloody panting on the ground. As I looked to him my eyes widened as our coms crackled and we heard a familiar voice. "Hey cap, you read me ....it's Sam," the voice said making both our eyes widen. We started to get up and a rush of air preceded the arms that now helped me to my feet. I looked up at Eric nearly crying as we heard Sam's next words. "On your left cap," he said making us all turn around. Portals began opening as we saw everyone who had been blipped in the last battle walking through them. I turned my attention to Steve when I heard Peter say he had the gauntlet. He nodded and began heading off to find him. I looked up at Eric and smiled before kissing him deeply. "I love you," I whispered then forced him back with my power. He watched stunned as I launched into the air and landed with a bang in front of Thanos.

Thanos turned to look at me and smirked as I burst with pure emerald energy around me. My fingers found the necklace I always wore and I gripped it tightly.  I looked to my right and saw Steve now running to me with the gauntlet. "You took everything from me!" I yelled back at Thanos keeping his attention on me. He smirked more and shook his head. "I don't even know you," he said. Wanda suddenly landed next to me, giving me a quick nod. "You will," she growled at him and began hurling energy balls at him. I ripped the necklace from my neck and threw it down with enough force to shatter the stone it held. Green power seemed to flow into to me surfing me with power. I floated in the air and looked, finding Steve instantly. He was almost to me as I yelled, "Now Steve," I called out and he flung the gauntlet towards me. Thanos broke free from Wanda and just as I used my power to wrap around it he snatched it quickly putting it on.

"I am inevitable," he said and everyone froze as he snapped. When nothing happened and he flipped the gauntlet around, everyone was shocked to see the stones missing. "And I am the Goddess of Mischief," I said smiling coldly with the stones floating within my power in front of me. He tried to lunge but Bucky and Wanda held him back as I looked to Tony and Eric before using my power to absorb the stones. Power surged through me and energy exploded from me in a wave of green. My breathing became labored as I struggled to contain it all. I forced myself and looked out across the chitauri army before looking back down at Thanos. He screamed as I released the built up power, making sure to not harm my team and family. Eventually my screams joined Thanos as the overwhelming power exploded from me. I watched as the army was disentigrated in front of me. A single tear escaped as it slowly stopped and I slowly floated to the ground in front of Thanos. I walked towards him, fighting the fatigue I felt. I knew my body would give out soon so I pulled the stones from within me and floated them to Tony who placed them in a pouch that was given to him. I could still feel the power Loki had stored for me but knew soon it would leave me too.

I lifted Thanos' face to look up at me as he sat on his knees with a defeated look on his face. "Let me show you true pain," I said forcing my memories on him. All my memories rushed through his mind and he screamed in agony and he felt everything I did. As the memories started to ebb away the Loki's power slowly left me until his figure stood before me. Thor was the first to me, catching me before I fell to the ground. We all looked at Loki as he walked to me smiling. My tears fell of their own accord as I looked on his face again. He placed a hand on my cheek and I leaned into it, knowing this would be the last time I would feel his touch. "You did well, my queen, now rest," he said before disappearing with the last of his magic. Thanos rose back to his knees catching my attention and I glared. Eric and the others came to me, but Eric was the one to pull me to him first. My body gave out in his arms and everyone watched me sadly, knowing our of all of them I was the one who had lost the most. "Thor," I said making him look to me as he held Stormbreaker, "Go for the head." Without a thought Thor swung his axe and we watched as Thanos' head fell rolling to the ground in front of me for the second time. Tony was the next to come to me and he took my face in his hands as I began to slump further in fatigue. "Why would you do that?" He said not ashamed of the tears that fell.

I smiled at him and took one of his hands. "Because if it hadn't been me, it would have been you and I couldn't let that happen," I said exchanging a quick look with Strange. We all quickly made our way to the hospital, Eric refusing to let anyone take me from him as he carried me. I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness just as we entered the hospital. Soon blackness surrounded me and I couldn't make out anymore what anyone was saying.

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