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My phone buzzes a couple times and I sigh looking at it.

Oliver.hyman tagged you in a photo

Guess he posted the photos from dinner. I check and he posted the photo of him and leon, the cup alone and the group photo.

Oliver.hyman: Perks of my younger sister dating a stanley cup champion, only kidding! It was awesome meeting someone that makes my sisters life better. Welcome to the fam leon

"Awe babe did you see with oliver said?" I ask leon. "Yeah, I reposted it" he says resting his head on my shoulder. "They love you" I whisper resting my head on his. "I'm glad" he whispers.

We're currently laying in bed, we woke up about 15 minutes ago and we've just been scrolling through our phones. Bowie at the end of the bed chewing on his toy. "Wanna go get breakfast? There's a tim hortons down the road we can just walk to" I ask leon.

He nods "sure babe, we can bring bowie" he says. Bowie lifts his head and looks over at us and I giggle. "I think he wants to come" I reply. "Okay let's go" he says lifting his head and then getting out of bed.

I quickly change into something comfortable and then we go downstairs. Leon gets bowie ready for the walk and I make sure I have everything I need. "Where you two off to?" My mom asks from the kitchen.

"A walk to Tim's, do you want anything?" I ask her. "Tim bits!" She answers. "Okay" I reply. Leon grabs my hand as we start walking and bowie walks ahead of us.

Today is a beautiful june afternoon. A perfect day for a walk.

Leon stays outside with bowie when we get there and I stand in line staring at the menu trying to figure out what I want. "Scarlett?" I hear from behind me. I turn around and Auston's standing there, mustache in full force and hat backwards.

He grins and comes over picking me up in a giant hug "I knew you were coming to the city" he says then puts me down. "We got here a couple days ago" I reply. "We?" He asks looking around for leon. "Leon, he is outside with bowie" I answer.

We stand in line together and talk, it's been awhile since we've gotten to talk. "Mitch misses you more but won't admit it" auston says out of the blue. "Do you know why we don't talk as much as we use to?" I ask. "Because you've got a man?" He asks.

Laughing I shake my head "no because he didn't want to be anything more than friends" I confess. Truthfully it was more of a situationship than it was hooking up when I'd visit. He said he liked me but didn't want to do long distance since I'm not leaving edmonton.

So I moved on. Which was easy and now I'm happier than ever.

He shakes his head "he's an idiot" he says. I laugh "yeah but I'm with leon and I wouldn't change it for anything" I reply moving up. "You seem happy, I'm glad" he says. "How are you and alex?" I ask him.

"We are good, she moved in a few months ago" he says. "That's awesome! I'm moving into Leon's when we're back home" I tell him.

A couple minutes later I'm ordering our breakfast and the tim bits then waiting for it and talking with auston more. Leon's standing outside with Bowie when we leave. "Hey drai" auston greets. "Oh hey matthews" leon replies.

Sweet Nothing (A leon draisaitl fic) Where stories live. Discover now