Dodgeball - Halstead!Sibling

Start from the beginning

There was a decent number of players left on each team, the other had one more but you didn't let that bother you.

Your attention was torn away from the opposing team as one of your teammates shouted for you from the side, pointing out something that would give you the upper hand.

But with your attention gone for a split second, it gave your bullies the perfect opportunity to attack their unaware prey.

Quickly backtracking, you were short sighted, having been so since the age of ten. You wore glasses 24/7 but when it came to playing volleyball, you opted to wear contact lenses instead. For gym though, you never had a problem with wearing glasses, your teacher couldn't care less, and it was a hassle to put contacts in at school, taking them off all in the few minutes you were given to get changed.

So, obviously today was no different and your glasses remained firm on your face.

Anyways, so your attention was drawn away from the game for a nano second. You could hear your teammate, but the idea was so absurd you had to look at her, which was a big mistake.

As you were looking back, a volleyball ball came hurtling towards you, hitting you directly in the face. Your glasses were pushed into the bridge of your nose, the force pushing you back slightly as your eyes watered slightly.

Your face was tingling and pulsating, the painful sensation nothing you had felt before and that says a lot since your period cramps could get so bad to the point you were immobile.

Trying to recover, the gasps and shouts from the girls on your team got louder as they approached you but before any of them could get remotely close to check on you, you were forced down.

Another ball was hit in your direction, once again hitting you spot on in the middle of your face but this time, the impact was worse.

Your glasses were gone, and you found yourself struggling on your feet, slipping when you couldn't regain your balance and falling to the polished gym floor.

You gasped, the tingling and pulsating pain tenfold, a stray tear fell that you had no control over.

The world was moving way too fast for your liking, rolling around like a dice that a stubborn child keeps shaking and refuses to let go. All the voices around you were fading away as your vision blurred but you couldn't tell if that was because of your poor eyesight or because you were hit.

Either way, it wasn't good you thought to yourself as you felt hands on your shoulders in comfort, but they brought nothing when you could heard a phone ringing overlapping all the voices.


You insisted on walking but per the paramedic's demand, you were being rolled into the very familiar ED.

Nothing had really improved besides the world moving slower than it was before, but it was still moving, the gurney being rolled and moved constantly not helping your case at all.

"Talk to me Desmond." You recognised Maggie's voice, getting nearer as she approached, eventually coming into your line of sight, and frowning at your auburn hair that she caught from afar.

The charge nurse shook her head, muttering under her breath. "You Halstead's." Before shouting for an available doctor that wasn't your oldest brother. "Doctor Choi, treatment 2."

The man came out of nowhere, scaring you when he suddenly appeared at your side, grabbing the gurney, and turning it into the treatment room as he took in your hazy appearance, brows raising for a second in recognition.

"Hey Y/N, can you tell me what happened?" Ethan asked, pausing to let everyone know they were transferring you onto the bed.

Your groaned in pain, the bright lights burning into your eyes. "Dodgeball." You managed to get out, closing your eyes thinking the pain would go.

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