'Tis the Season

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So I'm writing this majorly early for Christmas (It's Nov. 19), but I'm not going to post it until closer to Christmas, so let's hope I remember!

(also this was requested by @Sparkler2020 [I hope that's your user]) 

Happy holidays!!!!!


"You're going down, Styles!" Louis laughed, giving his husband a goofy serious look. 

Harry chuckled, "You wish, Tomlinson." 

"In case you haven't heard," Louis said, "I've been named the Greatest Gingerbread House Maker of All Time." 

"By who?" Harry rolled his eyes and snorted at Louis' statement. 

"By me!" Louis laughed and Harry pulled him into a hug followed by a little tickle.

"Alright, alright, Greatest Gingerbread House Maker of All Time, let's start before it's New Years." 

The boys had had a tradition since the first Christmas they knew each other, having gingerbread decorating contests against each other. It always brought out their competitive sides, but it was all in good fun. 

"Are you ready?" Louis asked, squinting his eyes at Harry to look intimidating. 

"I think the question you should be asking is, are you ready?" Harry squinted back. 

"Oh I was born ready." 

"Okay, on the count of three we start and we have thirty minutes to make the best house," Harry said. Louis nodded. 

"One," they said. 


"Three!" Harry started the timer on his phone and both boys got to work decorating their gingerbread houses.

Harry had spent the morning making the cookies and putting the houses together, another tradition they had because they learned early on that Louis didn't have the fine motor skills (or the patience) to put the house together himself and it took him almost the whole time to just get it built one year. Safe to say Harry had won the Gingerbread House Competition of 2016. 


Harry was very focused on getting his house just right. He had gone a more traditional route because, as his mum always says, bigger is not always better. He was adding a little Christmas garden and a lot of details on the roof. 

In his opinion, he was going to win. 

He really didn't care if he actually won, and he knew Louis didn't either. The whole thing was just fun for both of them. 

He hummed while he worked, stopping occasionally to look up at Louis and see what he was doing. 

Once though, he stared a little too long because Louis looked up. 

"Trying to see what a winning house looks like?" Louis smirked. 

Harry laughed back, "Nope, quite the opposite actually." 

Louis rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. Keep your eyes on your own house, baby." 

"Fine, fine," Harry smiled as he got back to work. 

There was only about ten minutes left, he was feeling pretty confident. 


This year, Louis had gone a bit of an odd route. He was making a gingerbread doghouse. He thought it was hilarious. 

In his opinion, he was going to win. 

He was even working on adding a miniature Clifford to the house. He smiled at his work, he thought it was pretty darn awesome. 

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