Page 1: step by step

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the seer-sps-2 incident.

do you want to become a worker drone?

yes said sps-2

then follow these steps

step one: go to an abandoned home

step two: wait for a murder drone for 4 minutes and 1 hour...
keep waiting... wait...

step three: you feel anxious but embrace it like a doll
then you hear laughing down the halls...

step four: accept your fate...
then start running to attract it...

step five: your done for.

step sicks: get dragged after dying dried and he takes you next to a dead worker. then your core is repaired

step seven: your a drone...

Step Eight: Start a union, go to caves after grabbing yourself an abandoned pistol and pickaxe, while your there mine Iron and find Flint by nearby "former" rivers, also find wood there too

Step Nine: go to a region that's unclaimed (basically a region that's already left because the attack of murder drones in the area)

Step Ten: recruit drones, build a base then if you found anything like the right scraps like a gun, tv, (since you already brought a phone, PC, HDMI)
Just put on your propaganda pictures
On your PC then the propaganda will show

Step Eleven: you see other drones approaching to this abandoned camp
You warn them that this is Capsorio soil and you and your army men are armed, if they say "but this is actually the land of their colony" say "but we just started this commune and we are forced to defend with flak from the 2 murder drones"

Step Twelve: if they ask for permission to enter then tell them "read the laws on the gate before entry"

Step Thirteen: send a drone to record the whole thing and go after their malware drone and keep the camp safe

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