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Chapter 1

Gone were the days when my father would hide me somewhere inside the house as police look everywhere in our house. Well, that's because I grew up and I'm too big to hide now. Also, I have enough knowledge about everything they're up to... I'm not an innocent child anymore, asking her parents what's going on...

Yesterday was a blur... It's vague, I don't know what happened. But as usual, I woke up from a dusty bed in my room that seemed just like a storage room recycled into a teenager's hideout with smells of ashtrays and dirty tissues and burnt paper. We were supposed to stay there for a few more months until I realized that my parents were gone.

I searched everywhere in that abandoned house. It was as if they were never there and I just dozed off in a creepy, abandoned house alone. Then, I remembered last night when I was laying on this shitty bed hearing murmurs of my parents argue... But it didn't seemed suspicious to me as to the fact that fighting is a regular interactions to them everyday...

Although, that fight really did seemed more intense though.. So, I guess that's it.

Neve Kingsley, you're all on your own now...

I can't believe it. They left without me. My parents are wicked, but they still cared even a little bit for my own sake. I guess they don't anymore since I just turned 18 last week.

It's funny how I feel more safe now than when I'm with them though... Do I love my parents? Of course. They're just...... complicated.

Now, I am sitting on the shitty bed and it's morning... There were birds chirping and you can hear them clearly since this house has like, very thin foundations and everything, since maintenance isn't an option for an abandoned house like this. Yes, I stayed for another night despite the fact that staying at a dumpster might even be better than sleeping on this bed.

I'm not a morning person, so I don't really appreciate singing birds so well. Today it came to me that I must make a decision about what I should do now. I don't know anyone. I'm a loner, no friends... no relatives... I don't fucking know. Maybe I'll just stay here for a little while...

I just sat there, staring at nothing until I hear sirens that's slowly becoming louder as it gets to my location. Wait... is this.. is it?

So, is this why my parents left?

They must've known that cops is coming here... what should I do?! Ugh. The cops definitely pulled up in front of the house, and I heard low murmurs from their location... i wanted to hear more, so i went closer.

"this is the location, right?" One of them said.

"Yep, sir... someone reported that two drug lords who was accused with two homicides are using this place as a hideout.."

"Oh and I heard they hid here with their child, sir..." the man said.

My heartbeat has never beat so hard as i hear that conversation... I figured, I have to get out of here as fast as I can or they might force me to say where my parents are, which I don't know where... ugh

"Alright, search the house!"

The captain or whatever said then I heard footsteps as the main door entrance of the house closes. I looked for options of where I must go to hide or escape... i decided to go for the window.

Risking my life isn't new to me, so I threw myself out the bedroom window and landed on the grass. I then peeked a bit on the police car and slowly, quietly ran away from the place.

I don't even know where I was. All I knew was it's a place in Connecticut. That's all... Meters away from that abandoned house, as I walk, the properties slowly starts to decrease and i just realized that everything is grass and i'm walking on the road in the middle of it. It made me feel more hopeless...

I don't know where I'm going, but I figured I'm just going to walk straight until I see something.


A car passing by greeted me... I thought he was just like, making fun of me or something... so I kept walking.

"Neve!... neve, right?" He said.

It shocked me that he knows my name. It also made me nervous. I know that my parents' enemies know my name, so I'm suspecting that he's one of them...

So, I stopped walking, raised my hand in the air and kneeled.

"I don't know where my parents are." I said. I'm actually fucking scared right now. I completely understand the anger of my parents' enemies. My parents are diabolical and I won't blame them if they get revenge on me or something.

I don't have hope left for myself anyway, so maybe I'll just let him kill me as a payback to my parents' sins.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Stand up." He said, then he laughed...

I stood up. My fear has lowered down, but I'm still doubtful.. I can't look him in the eye. He's a white man, wearing a cowboy hat and he's driving a red truck. He doesn't seem harmful, but i must never trust anyone.

"Did I freak you out? I'm so sorry... I was just at the house you came from looking for you. You parents told me you'd be there." He said.

I would like to ask him where my parents is, but I still don't have enough information about him to just trust him easily..

"I'm Pat. I'm your father's friend. Ride on, I'll take care of you." He said

He sounds quite creepy. I still can't get myself to trust him.

"You can trust me... i promise, I won't harm you."

"What's my father's full name?"

"Gerardo James Kingsley. Are we good?"

"My mom's??"

"Katalina Rose Kingsley"

Oh well... I don't know why, but I rode his truck. Although, I'm still doubting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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