First Kisses

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Mr Wolf:

• So, as we all know, Mr Wolf definitely passes himself off as this suave and smooth guy. While he certainly can be charming, sure, I really believe that he's a bundle of nerves and especially so when it comes to any sort of actual relationship.

• He's a wolf so obviously people tend to be nervous around him, especially when reminded of his teeth, so I really honestly can't see him getting too much kissing practice in. Plus, he's secretly a softy who wants to save that kinda thing for someone special, not that he'd admit that to anyone or even to himself.

• This all means your first kiss with him is all awkwardness. I'm talking bumping noses and everything, maybe even an accidental nip or two. Be patient and don't tease him too much and it'll get better, I swear.

Mr Snake:

• The grump. You know what they say about grumps. They're secretly desperate for affection and Mr Snake here is absolutely not an exception to that. Any and all kisses you give him he's melting into, unable to stop himself from wagging, and if he has a goofy look on his face you better not say anything.

• Most likely, you're the one who's gonna have to initiate the first kiss. He doesn't have the high self esteem despite the way he carries himself and he worries that if he did something first that he'll end up scaring you off.

Mr Shark:

• He is probably the most nervous about any sort of kissing to be honest, given his size. So for your first kiss, I'm imagining him being very still, eyes closed, waiting for you to make the first move. Deifnitely don't except any tongue from him, not for a good long while anyways. Still though, the first time is very cute.

Ms Tarantula/Webs:

• I personally headcanon that Webs isn't actually all that interested in kissing. Sure, if you want to she'd be down, but she really honestly doesn't feel like it is all that big a deal. Not to mention that you're probably going to be bigger than her, so that means your first kiss would probably be a simple but very sweet cheek smooch.

Mr Piranha:

• Out of the whole group, Piranha has the most experience. He's a party guy and he's fun! Sure, he's dangerous just like the others but he's not so large, doesn't have as many stories as the others do. I think people were probably also attracted to that. The danger but what seemed to others to be less of it.

• So your first kiss with him probably came out of nowhere really! He decided he wanted to so he went for it, something quick but still sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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