Souyas Love

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Souya loves his brother more than anything. How could he not?

You have known the Kawata twins for most of your life. You met them before their toman days when they still ran the Twin Devils Gang. So to say you grew close to the brothers over the years is an understatement.

You three have always been inseparable after you met.

Souya confessed his love for you in junior high after Nahoya convinced him he needed to do it now before someone else came in and swept you off of your feet. Truth be told Souya always had a crush on you. A crush he thought he kept hidden very well. Little did he know that everyone knew about said crush.

After you started dating Souya nothing much changed in your relationship with the elder twin. You three still always hung out and when someone saw one of you the other two where not far behind. Souya loved that he found someone who cared about his brother just as much as he did. And he loved that his brother cared about you the same in return. He always knew he could trust his brother to take care of you if need be.

Souya loved his brother. He loved him so much that when you and Nahoya would start to hang out by yourselves he turned a blind eye. He ignored all the times he had seen his older twin walking you to class when Nahoya knew yours and Souyas classes were too far apart for him to do it. He ignored you starting to lean closer to the older brother when you sat in between them at lunch or the lingering touches when Nahoya would walk past you and have his hand a little too low on the small of your back for far longer than necessary. Souya acted like he didn't notice the way you look at Nahoya differently than him or the way Nahoya's eyes wonder your body showing no shame even when someone caught him.

Souya loves his brother so much that when both of you told him you had to stay after school Nahoya for detention and you for cram school he thought nothing of it. It's not like you two would lie to him. You both loved him as much as he loved you.

Souya loves you both so much that when he walked into a classroom after school to find you bent over a desk and Nahoya balls deep in you he just shut the door and left as if it never happened. He loved you both so much he wouldn't say anything when he would catch you and Nahoya sneaking off at lunch or study hall for a quick fuck in the bathroom.

Souya loves Nahoya he really does so when you come back from God knows where with Nahoya and give Souya a kiss he doesn't say anything when all he can taste is his brother. He just acts like this is how your kisses always taste. Truth be told it's easy for him to act like this because they do always taste like Nahoya. Souya pretends he doesn't see the hickies that liter your body after being alone with his older twin. Or that he hasn't found your underwear in his twins room. He pretends that the shirt you are wearing that is was to big for your body is his when he knows all to well who it truly belongs to.

As you guys grew older Souya found it easier and easier to ignore what was going on between you and his brother. Because you both loved Souya so surely you wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Finally into adult hood and owning their own restaurant Souya has slowly forgotten most of the things he caught you and Nahoya doing so he didn't think anything of it when you yelled Nahoya's name one night when he was fucking you. Surely it was an accident.

Souya loves his brother so much that when he told him he would be leaving work early that day for personal reasons it didn't even cross his mind that it could be you. Souya loves his brother so much that when he came home that evening to see you bouncing on Nahoya's cock on the couch he doesn't make a sound or get angry. Instead Souya does the only thing he knows how to do. The only thing he has done for the past 12 years. Souya loves his brother so much that he stays hidden behind the door fisting his clock to the image of his girlfriend bouncing on his brother imagining it was him you were bouncing on, that it was your tight cunt and not his fist wrapped around his cock. He imagines the moans and screams of Nahoya's name leaving your lips are actually his.

Souya loves his brother so much that when he finds out Nahoya got you pregnant he congratulated both of you and offered to help set up the nursery. He loves his brother so much that when Nahoya tells him he wants to marry you he gives him his blessing.

Souya is so happy Nahoya is happy and has built a family but late at night when Souya can't sleep due to the sounds of Nahoya fucking you into a mattress he can't help but think I wish I didn't loves my brother so much.

Souya loves his brother more than anything. He truly does.

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