"i want to know..."

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"I mean that i.."


my heart starts going faster and faster, as if it was running a marathon.I can't do this right now, not today, not with him.


"david! i hear exer call out in a concerned tone but i don't look back.

"forget it!"

"no! wait!" exer called out.

* * *
i keep on running and running away from exer not looking back, i turn a right, heading into the forest without realizing.I just wanted to get away somewhere far far away... somewhere where nobody could find me,especially exer.

i don't know where i am, im at some sort of tree lined street i think... but i couldn't think about that. why didn't he tell me? his best friend? we were friends weren't we?? even thought it was sunny i felt my heart pouring with rage and anger...and jealousy. i couldn't take it anymore. i miss him already i just saw that asshole and was missing him already.normally exer would help me calm down but he was the whole reason i was upset, so nobody was here for me right now. not even myself.

                     *                      *                     *

After a an hour of hearing exer and brenda calling my name from afar, I just decided to sit there at the lake.
exer loves this spot... i remembered painfully.

"d-david..?" called out a familiar voice with hints of solicitude in their voice.

i turned my head around and shocked to see who it was.

Exer Campbell, Football player at school, and my "best friend".

                     *                      *                     *

"hey.. listen david... i know i'm the last person you wanna see right now, but please... can we talk this over? i don't want to lose you."

"i don't want to lose you"
those words rung in my ear like an echo repeating itself in my head over and over again.I felt my face getting hot, or mabye it was the sun, it was a sunny day after all.yeah.. yeah. it was the sun because he doesn't like exer like that. he's just his friend.

"uhm.. david? are you ok? you've been staying at me for the past minute."

"o-oh!! s-sorry exer! i spaced out i'm just so shocked to see you.. "

there's  an akward moment of silence but then david starts talking.

" how.. uh.. how did you find me in the forest?"david asked.

"i saw you turn a right. i've been looking for you for the past hour or so."exer admitted looking away from david, from his point of view exers face looked sort of...red. no way... that couldn't be true! stop thinking like that!

i looked at him again, he was the same as before still standing there nervously.

i looked at him again, he was the same as before still standing there nervously

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david thinned his lips.
"exer... i...i really don't want to see you right now."

exer was dissapointed, but not surprised. of course david wouldn't want to talk to him. stupid! stupid! stupid!

"david... loo-"

"exer i told you i don't want to see you! i guess i should've mentioned your voice too!"

exer filled up with anxiety. he didn't want to lose his best friend but he wanted to respect his boundaries. So, exer turned around silently and walked away like a coward, without saying a word after.

and now david was left alone, just him and his thoughts.He missed exer even though he shooed him away. he hesitated, but then called out to exer who was walking away from david. david stood up and started walking. then jogging to exer.

" hey.. exer! wait! stop!"

exer turned around and saw david running to him.

" hey david watch ou-!"

david tripped over a rock and into exer knocking both of them down and now david wa slaying on top of exer.

( ik this looks goofy but deal w it edit:i deleted the picure bc i didn't like how it looked forget abt it)

this lasted for a second, one very long second.the longest second exer and david has ever experienced in their life but a second nonetheless.David jumped up from exer and started apologizing profusely but exer was still on the ground, frozen from shock.David reached out his hand to help exer up and exer snapped out of it taking his hand helping himself up

"thanks David."

"im really sorry for making you fall exer"

"no no! it's alright. it's fine im fine"

there's an awkward moment of silence between the two, until exer breaks it.

" so, David, can we talk?"

David sighed, " yeah, yeah sure."

after talking it out with David exer told him that Brenda and him were a thing of the past and then she broke up with him when Pamela accused him of being a witch and everything all up until now. of course, he didn't tell him about his magic.

"wow... exer... why did you hide this from me all this time though? i'm your best friend aren't i?"

"yes.. but it's why i had to keep this from you. i knew you were over protective and-and i was going to tell you, but all of that stuff happened and i didn't get the chance to."

"listen exer if you wanna date Brenda just do it i won't get mad."

"no! no!  it's completely over i swear!"

"exer.. :(  "i know your only saying that to make me feel better."

" David! it's the truth! i don't have feelings for Brenda anymore!"

David sighed, then smiled. " i believe you.I trust you."

exer smiled and stepped closer, bringing David into a hug.David was surprised but hugged exer back tightly.

"you what..?" dexer/daxer jackson's diary Where stories live. Discover now