I greeted his mom, which was the only family he lived with, and she thanked me for doing these study sessions with Totsuka. 

Mama Totsuka: "Really, thank you so much." 

Y/N: "You've been thanking me for about 3 months, Ms. Totsuka. Please, you don't need to-" 

Totsuka: "*AHEM* M-Mama, I'm losing study time with Y/N-san. You don't want him to leave home when it's dark, right?" 

It was 10 in the morning. 

Mama Totsuka: "Goodness, you're right... Forgive me, Y/N-san." 

Y/N: "N-No worries." 

I blushed a little, but only a little. To be honest, Totsuka's mom was extremely attractive in both personality, and ESPECIALLY shape.

Totsuka quickly got jealous, and pulled me by my ear, dragging me up the stairs to his room. 

Totsuka: "We have work to do!" 


He released my ear, and I sat on the staircase for a moment to collect myself. 

Totsuka: "*sigh* C'mooon, stop being a babyyyy."

Y/N: "This is your fault..."

Totsuka seemed to drop his nervousness around me recently.

Now, he's a lot more talkative (than he already was) and he isn't hesitant to ask me anything.

He's also a lot more bold, however that's mostly my fault. He'd say something sensual completely out of nowhere, which was a turn-around from his previous actions. 

Before he was a lot more sentimental, and he still is, however that's been toned down to basically rare occasions. 

He became a really good friend ever since I started 'studying' with him.

Like I said, we never actually studied, and we'd just talk and play games. Basically anything else to pass the time.

Since we talked so much, we learned a lot about each other, like our history, interests, etc.

Totsuka: "You good now?" 

Y/N: "Yeah. Never grab me by the ear again..." 

Totsuka: "You want me to grab you somewhere else next time?" 

Y/N: "Surprise me." 

I sat up from my spot on the stairs, dismissing our previous conversation entirely. 

I was going to walk up the stairs, but when I turned my head up, Totsuka's sweater suddenly didn't seem oversized anymore...

He lifted his sweater as he stretched, and I instinctively looked under his sweater, but I didn't see anything. There was just skin. 

Thankfully, the sweater didn't raise past his upper-thigh, but I wonder what would happen if it did. 

Either he was wearing INSANELY small pants under, or he wasn't wearing anything at all...

I dismissed the latter possibility, and continued my way up the stairs, forgetting what I saw for the time-being. 

His room was fairly large, and it was mostly dark. He had dark curtains that covered his windows, and the ceiling light in his room was off. 

He flipped a light switch, and a white light illuminated the room, which showed an extremely neat and clean room, as a soft carpet covered the entire floor.

Bromance (Totsuka x M!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें