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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

Author's note: Happy New Year! :D



The icy air whistled around your ears, causing your skin to tingle and sting. Your fingers and toes were almost numb, but it was a good feeling. Snug inside your many layers of clothes, nothing could spoil the overwhelming feeling of being taken back to childhood. The urge to make a snowball was consuming and you had to restrain yourself from lying down on the floor and making a snow angel.

The branches of the trees bowed with the heavy load of snow they were carrying, bending towards the ground. The colours were brighter against the pure white blanket that spreads as far as the eye could see. The houses became works of art, with their beautiful undisturbed snowy roofs. Aerials and chimneys became sculptures, taking on new forms.

People gathered around the frozen lake in Winter Village, knowing that since the fireworks were going to be set from the top of the icy slide, that place would have the best view to offer. 

23:45. Fifteen minutes to midnight.

You waited quietly, staring into the northern lights decorating the blackness that was the sky. 

This year, once again, you were prepared to celebrate reaching zero during the countdown alone. Yes, you had friends, but everyone cheered with their own kind of people. As an example, Alex was with Maya, Linda was with her aunt, Lisa was with her father, et cetera.

Your trail of thoughts was interrupted by a voice approaching from behind.

"Warm Wishes to you, Y/N," 

You turned to see Ydris smiling welcomingly.

"Likewise," You answered.

"I see you're spending this celebration-worthy evening by yourself," He acknowledged, "Why is that?"

You shrugged your shoulders, "For all one knows,"

There was a short moment of silence before you looked around, and back at Ydris.

"Are you own your own as well?" 

He nodded, looking at the sky.

The northern lights were poetry, they were nature's show. Rays of light shot down from space, forming draperies, which spread in between the stars. You could see a violet and a red trimming at the lower and upper ends. The colours slowly mixed all together, woven into each other. The curtains were disappearing and forming all over again by new shots of light.

You could see the reflection of the beauty of it in his eyes. At least in the left one. He gazed into the unknown, mouth slightly agape, a spark of amusement in his expression.

He was so beautiful.

"Ydris?" You almost whispered.

The magician looked down at you, a cue for you to continue.

"Do you ever think of returning to Pandoria?"

The widening of his eyes indicated Ydris was quite taken aback by your question. His face then remained dull, yet, he put on a low smile. Regardless, you could see that it wasn't genuine, making you realize that what you said could have been insensitive.

"I'm so sorry," You stuttered, "I shouldn't have asked,"

"No, no," Ydris breathed out, "It's alright,"

He looked back into the distance.

"I do, actually,"

That sentence moved something within you. Your chest and shoulders fell.

Was he really going to leave one day? Just disappear, leave everything behind?

It saddened you. The thought of him returning to Pandoria had always been in the back of your mind, you just couldn't imagine it happening. You couldn't imagine what you would do without him.

"But," He took a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders as he said, "I don't even know if there's anything left for me to return to,"

His words felt like a knife piercing right through your heart, even if the story wasn't yours. Your lips, however, remained shut.

"I know I said I want to destroy this world to save mine," Ydris spoke, "But it seems that your world still has something to offer. It offers charm, endearment, and delight. Things that mine doesn't. It feels wrong to take it away from you,"

You looked up at him, eyebrows frowned, "I thought you hated it, hated me,"

"I'm getting familiar with it," Ydris turned to you, his expression spoke of tenderness, "And I don't hate you,"

"When did you change your mind?" You smirked, letting out a short laugh.

"I never hated you," He smiled, "No matter how hard I tried,"

The atmosphere felt warm, almost sweet. Your heart beat steadily as if all the evils of the world simply vanished.

"But yes, I wish to return one day, even if what I'm looking for is vague. And when that day comes, I'll remain living in hope that you will remember me not by my iniquitous promises," The ringmaster said.

"I won't," You shook your head.

"Then all is good," 

You looked towards the top of the slide, and you noticed the pyrotechnicians getting ready to launch the fireworks.

23:57. Three minutes to midnight.

Taking a deep breath, bravery took over you at last.

"I know we don't know each other very well and that we barely see one another, but I think of you a lot. I often wonder if you regret being nice to me, or if you wish we never met. Maybe if we never knew each other, you would still have your home and I would still be a simple person horseriding around," Your voice was at the point of breaking,  "But I want you to know that I cherish every moment we spend together not fighting. And that I cherish you,"

Ydris didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear any of it, however, you swore you could see a tiny tears forming in his eyes.

Then, he slowly took your hand in his and rubbed your knuckles with his thumb.

"I cherish you too," He whispered.

Suddenly, people around started cheering louder, and the countdown started.


This year, you didn't celebrate reaching zero alone.


You tilted yourself and rest your head against Ydris' shoulder.


He squeezed your hand tighter.


Maybe this was the last year you spent together. For that, neither of you let go.


Fireworks lit up the sky like the neon glow of the Northern lights. The sounds and colours exploding from them were phenomenal. A colossal rocket pierced the night sky as it crackled and popped skyward to its doom. Sprays of crimson lava spewed from the fountain firework like a mini volcanic eruption.

There were tens of people jumping around and shouting, yet none of it mattered, for Ydris only looked at you. You were his kind of person.

"Happy New Year!" You laughed in joy.

"Happy New Year to you too," He kissed your forehead softly.

Ydris x reader┃OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now