First Night

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I need a mental recap, because at this point I feel like I'm going nuts. The group had finally captured Jonas Quinton, who had rounded up Grace and all the other teens in Havenfall like a Pied fucking Piper. Sophia's shirtless, ripped, magic boss had him tethered to a wall of snakes. Said boss is a fantastic kisser, and also loves me. Yeah, I'm definitely going nuts. But I can worry about that later.

"Where's Grace?!" Sophia demanded.

For a guy with his wrists tied in a snake pit, Jonas looked pretty relaxed. "I told you; she's going to Baba."

"And who's this bloody Baba?" Arielle asked.

"My grandmother, I already told you that too. Nassar, you hang with a pretty dumb bunch." JD, reluctantly, held Arielle back from punching him. This evasive little punk.

His guitar laid on the ground between them, dingy and boasting one snapped string after their fight. Sophia grabbed it. "I swear to God, if you don't give us real answers, I'm smashing this."

"Don't be like that!" She raised the guitar over her head like a samurai in an old movie ready to bring the katana down. "H – hey! Look! You're sister isn't dead yet alright?"


"There's still time! You might be able to reach her before she gets to Baba!"

"Who! The fuck! Is Baba?!"

"Why don't you ask Razi?" Jonas still locked panicked over the grip Sophia had on his guitar, but the cocky sneer was back in his voice. "He knows just as much as I do. Did he really not tell you?"

That distracted Sophia. I know Razi's got his secrets, but...a puzzle piece this big? "What are you talking about?"

Jonas sounded way too amused. "He really didn't, this is priceless."

"There's no time for this right now." Diego admonished. "The victims shouldn't stay in their condition much longer."

Mackenzie nodded and turned to Jonas, grabbing him by the front of the shirt. The snakes tightened around his arms and legs to keep him in place, despite her strength. "How do we break your spell on everyone?"

"Are you sure it's not just my irresistible good looks?" As Jonas spoke, his eyes were still fused to the guitar in Sophia's hands.

Oh, okay. Sophia wanted to take in every sensation of the moment: the scent of the overgrown grass, the iridescent glow of the snakes holding Jonas, the stretch of grin on her face. She tightened her grip on the guitar until the strings dug into her palms and lifted it over her head before smashing it on the ground. It went with an amazing explosion of splinters and an ugly jangle, which could barely be heard over Jonas's screaming. Sophia raised the jagged fretboard into the air. "Thank you, Indiana! Goodnight!"

Jonas kept yelling, straining desperately against the snakes. He managed to pull his arm free before one snake sunk its fangs into him and had dragged him back. There are tears on his face. This is amazing.

A startled voice sounded from inside the house. "What am I doing here?" They heard on teen ask.

"What is this place?" Another wondered.

Everyone shifted back into their human forms with relieved smiles, except for Razi, who kept his attention on the snakes. "I've got it from here." Mackenzie pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her pocket, and Razi changed back too as she shackled Jonas's arms behind his back. JD, Bethany, Diego, and Arielle hurried to help the teens in the house. Sophia folded her arms and stared at the guitar bits littering the ground. We're finally making some progress. I'll see you soon, Grace.

Razi Nassar Season Two RetellingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora