Chapter 1

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Wanda was slowly waking up

In a bed that wasn't hers in a room that wasn't hers in a place she had absolutely no idea

Wanda got up and saw she want In her clothes just some plain old sweatpants and a sweatshirt

Wanda got up and looked around and felt tired and went to where the exit of the room was and smelled food

Wanda looked out and saw spider man cooking breakfast


Spider man:hungry?


After breakfast

Wanda:did I...what Happened after

Spider man:you were so emotionally hurt that you cried to much and went to sleep and then rain

Wanda:how does that happen

Spider man:I don't know

Wanda:thank you....spider man... very much...I really appreciate it....i need to go.....thank you

Wanda went it to the streets and used her magic to fly away to avengers tower

At avengers tower

She walked in with Peter clothes

Captain marvel;Wanda?

Wanda looked at her

Captain marvel:Why are you wearing Some guy clothes

Wanda:don't ask

Wanda went to her room and changed back to her costume

She went in out and went to out to see the others

It was like no one went to look for her

She was just walking around

It has been lonely

Yet she still had matter to take off

Helping the avengers and x men and trying to keep her father to stop destroy humanity

But then

In the meeting where she had to work

Vision would not looked at her or saw a world

But one day

Vision was walking out When Wanda came across her path


Vison just phased thought her



She keep walking through around and doing just her business

What else was there to do only

With spider man

Spider man had been busy working hard

And doing alot for the avengers

The one day she saw Wanda sitting alone

Spider man:Hey Wanda

Wanda:Hi spider man what are you doing here

Spider man:I came to check on you

Wanda:oh well thank you

Spider man:you alright


Spider man:you don't look alright

Wanda:I'm fine

Spider man:it's ok not to be ok....don't keep hurting yourself

Wanda:I'm fine*crying£

Spider man:hey...just move on

Wanda:how how do you,,.do you do that

Spider man:find people look for something that will make you better than yourself right now....don't poison yourself with sad memories ..,,,,be happy it happened now make new ones

Wanda looked at him and slowly smiled

Spider man:You'll be ok

Spider man was gonna leave but Wanda grabbed his hand

Wanda:can I get another hug

Spider man didn't hesitate and hugged Wanda again

Wanda held him and closed her eyes

Spider man:you gonna be ok

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