Chapter 17: Magical Creatures

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Harry yanked Granger out of the way, who was still screaming her head off. He rolled his eyes. 

"If you're not going to be useful, do the rest of us a favor and kindly shut up." Granger looked at him, still scared, although now more affronted. At least she wasn't yelling anymore. 

Harry turned back to the troll, mind racing to recall different bits of information on them he had gathered over the years. Magic-resistant skin, rudimentary magic, extremely stupid, but also extremely strong. Honestly, what could a bunch of first-years do against a beast like that?

"Oh Merlin, Ron was right, they do make you fight trolls to get into Hogwarts," Granger said, looking faint. Harry ignored him, busy formulating an ingenious and extremely heroic plan. 


He grabbed Daphne and Blaise, before turning full speed towards the door. Daphne grabbed onto Tracey's wrist, who, now that she was in actual danger, completely forgot about her previous heroic impulse to save Granger, who looked shocked.

"Harry where are you going?!  You're the Boy Who Lived you need to save me! What kind of bloody hero are you anyway?" The 'Boy Who Lived' in question ignored her and continued his sprint towards the door. She needn't have worried though, because the troll completely forgot about her and was lumbering towards the group of multiple meals.

Harry glanced back at the troll before flicking his wand up towards the ceiling, silently channeling his magic. Nothing. Shoot, magic resistant walls, right. The troll was advancing. He redirected his attention towards the trolls club. For a terrifying second, nothing happened. I should've just kept running. Then, the club exploded. Sharp shards of wood went flying, only stopping against a hastily pulled up shield around the group of Slytherins. 

Harry glanced around, spotting the sharp wood laying on the floor. Dispelling the magic-sucking shield with a wave of his hand, he grabbed a piece of wood as his last resort. With almost all of his strength centered in magical prowess, he felt helpless in the face of a creature like a troll. It sucked. 

The four Slytherins stood, frozen, against the wall. The troll lumbered towards them, raising his fists above his head. Harry closed his eyes, prepared to be bashed into the wall and then-


He reopened his eyes cautiously. The trolls head was encased in a bubble of water which was quickly freezing solid. The troll tried to break the ice with his fists, but once punching through it, he only succeeded in hitting himself. The troll fell over with a great crash, face bruised and bleeding from stray ice shards. 

"What." Blaise said, turning to Harry. "Was that."

Harry, in turn, rolled his eyes. "I don't see how it's any of your business." Internally however, Harry felt the same confusion. He had never been able to control water before. Maybe it was one of the other students. Or accidental magic or- 

Oh. Water elemental. Apparently activating under stressful situations.

"Anyways," Harry turned towards the door. "After that, I think it's time to go back to our dorms and take a nice, non-stressful nap-" He stopped, pressing his ear against a wall.

"Actually, you guys stay and do whatever. Bye!" Harry rushed through the door, running around a corner just as 3 professors turned into the bathroom.

Okay, now it's time to go lie down in my comfortable bed- 

Harry's thought process screeched to a halt as he ran face first into a full head of blond hair.

"Watch where you're going Potter." Malfoy sneered, looking extremely shifty as he pushed Harry out of his way and practically ran towards a flight of stairs. Harry rolled his eyes, turning around to continue on his way to his dorms. He froze.

Mrs. Norris was seated right in front of him, staring at him with big, yellow eyes. She opened her mouth. An meow echoed through the corridor, and Harry turned after Malfoy to run after him. He was not exactly interested in getting detention from Filch this early into the school year. 

He raced up the staircase, seeing Malfoy's robe flutter around a corner. 

What a prick, he lead Filch directly to me and didn't even think to warn me! Is he trying to get my in trouble?

Harry skidded around a corner just in time to see a door click shut. He ran to the door, testing the knob, only to find it locked. Filch's footsteps clicked nearby, and Mrs. Norris' meows could be heard even closer. Harry exhaled, trying to remain calm, and reached out with his magic, feeling the lock mechanism, twisting springs into just the right position.

The lock clicked open, and Harry rushed through the door, slamming it behind him.

"You know Malfoy," Harry started, turning around. "I really didn't think we were on that bad of terms, but leading Filch right to me was really-" A hand clamped over his mouth.

"Shut it, moron," Malfoy hissed. Harry stood stock still, staring wide eyed at the giant three headed dog, drooling from each mouth as it glared at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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