chapter 17

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The boys dropped me off at Hogwarts but they put me in the hospital wing. George gave me a kiss then left as he left madam Pomfrey and I started talking and laughing. she told me i would be in here for a few weeks then i can start my classes

It was time for dinner just as i was about to get up and go to the great all Charlie walked in 

"Hey, let me help you," he said with a smile. He put my arm around his shoulder and helped me to the great hall, he sat me next to Hermione Ginny, Ron and Harry they all looked confused until Ginny spoke up 

"Charlie what are you doing here shouldn't you be in Romania" we all nodded "well as i was about to leave Dumbledore came to the house he heard about Jaz surgery and asked if i could stay at hogwarts for a few until christmas holidays to help Jasmine if she needs me" 

I raised my eyebrows at and smirked then said "so your my personal assistant then" just as he was about to answer Draco started to call me 

"Hey Jasmine there you are wanna go on a hot wanna go on a date with me" i rolled my eyes then said "can't got a boyfriend"

We all turned back around and for some reason i started to listen in to Draco and Mattheo conversation

"What are you going to do now shes dating someone else and if your parents find out you lied you will be in big trouble" 

I turned to look at Hermione and it seemed she also heard them too, she turned around and asked them "Malfoy what did you do" 

"Not that it's any of your business but i kinda told my parents that Jasmine and i are dating and we have been dating for 5 months"

I took deep breaths then said "for fuck sakes Malfoy if this gets back to my boyfriend your in big trouble" and just then George slammed the great hall doors which caused everyone to stop eating 

"Too late he's here" Ron said and for once in my life i was scared of what George was going to do

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