Chapter 1

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In Snezhnaya, everything that is around it's place are filled with cold and snow. In the palace, a loud argument was heard. "I can't believe you Dottore! After all these days, all you care about is your job, you don't even care about me or having children!" Aria yelled with tears coming out from her eyes. "Honey.. we can't have children. They'll only distract me from doing my job, and I could accidentally experiment on them." Dottore said, trying to make an excuse

But only then, he get slapped from her. "That's your excuse?! Don't make me laugh.. you're crazy.. I don't even know why I married you in the first place, why did I ever love you when you never care about me." Aria said, letting out her anger. Then she gave Dottore a final slap, and leaves the room

Aria had already packed her things in her bag, it wasn't much so she could easily carry it. When she was now outside of the palace, a carriage was now waiting in front of her. Above her, Dottore was watching her from the balcony, he can see that Aria was now in the carriage as it started moving away. Dottore didn't seem sad nor care that she left. "Finally, I can get some peace without her." That's what Dottore said before he went to work

On the other hand, Aria has now arrived, she was now in her tribe. "The Chieftess has arrived!" The tribe cheered. Aria smiled, even though she left Dottore, she always has her friends and the tribe. "My people. It's been awhile." Aria said, then went to her tent with her personal doctor assistant

"Chieftess, it's good news. You're pregnant with twins!" The doctor said. Aria couldn't believe that she was pregnant but even though if the twins are Dottore's. She wouldn't blame her children, she would take care of them until they grown up

Nine months later..
Aria was laying down on a mattress, opening her eyes after giving birth to twins. "My children.." she said weakly as she can hear the cries

"Congratulations. It's twin girls!" The doctor said. Aria turned her head to the direction where her children are. They were crying in the crib, one of them look like her and the other look exactly like Dottore. "Hmm.. I'll name them.. Aries..and Alice"

Both of her children are her joy and happiness. She was taking care of them very well, and her job was even more easier. Thanks to her healings and knowledge, they had taken the Fatui agents down

Little she did know that her life was not going to be the same forever

She belongs to me. (Dottore x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now