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As the five remained on the cloud they were stopped by a mountain which must have held the Mountain Deity "Have you ever met the Deity lady Y/N?" Wujing asked "Only in big events up in the cestail realm besides that no" Y/N then paused as they landed at the bottom of the mountain as they climb up to the top Wukong held Y/N in his arms not letting go and for pogsu travel with Wujing whining about his feet much..

Before they eventually came to the top "Hah! This is exhausting! Why must the mountain deity live so high up the mountain!?" Pogsy kept whining and whining before Y/N got annoyed "Pigsy please stop talking you're whining is killing me!" Y/N made Pigsy scared so apologized to her before Wukong got involved to.

They walked to his temple as Y/N and wukong looked at the chimes ringing felt like music to Y/N's ears, Vital spirit began to talk to Wukong as it sat on Wukong shoulder Y/N listening as well "When we see Yuandi ill seal him away again! You should stay far away!" "Forget it that's my master ill save him" Wukong interested as he opened the temple doors wide open.

Almost pitch black in here however still had light by the sun shining in pigs began to search for food as he smelled something delicious however Wujing went to look around and Wukong, Y/N and Vital sport went together to see if the mountain deity was here.

"HEY MOUNTAIN DEITY YOU MUST BE PRETTY UNPOPULAR YOU TRIBUTES HAVE GOTTEN ROTTEN NO ONE BROUGHT YOU A KNEW BATCH?!" Pigsy complained as Wukong also said "The soul of the Mountain Deity inst here pigsy go inspect the mountain with Wujing, me and Y/N will stay here" Wukong sat down with Y/N by his side as Pigsy started to complain again.

"Nah! I'll stay the mountain deity might be out but the temple isn't going anywhere it's better to chill and wait for him in here, you know" Wukong started to get frustrated "Will you just go?" Wukong mumbled however pigsy heard his whine "I won't! Someone else can go!" But it was to late Wukong began to take out his golden Cungdel out of his ear threatening Pigsy making Y/N giggle a bit by his silly actions.

Pigsy saw the monkey get his staff out and started to panic "Ah! B-Brother Monkey! Brother Monkey. You're totally right-" Pugsy began to tell the monkey he would go as he placed the staff back in his ear terrified Wukong then placed Y/N in his lap as he was sitting down Y/N doing the same leaning on Wukong chest, "I mean after all, who will go if I won't!" making a look to Wujing the two left leaving Wukong, Vital Spirit, and Y/N alone..

"Hey Wujing why you just standing there? We need to go!" Pigsy went of before he tripped on the step making Y/N and Vital Spirit chuckle but as Vital Spirit laughed it fell but only for the monkey to catches it with his hand. Vital Spirit looked at monkey as it smiled making Wukong look away at Y/N.

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