Chapter 5

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(Ashton's POV)

"Wait, wait, wait. You're going back to college tomorrow?" Tony asked during one of the Avenger's meetings. For some reason, dad wanted me to join the meeting, even though I wasn't even trained for missions.

"Yes, Tony. She's been saying that for the past month," Nat said, Wanda shaking her head disapprovingly. "Have you not seen the packages she's gotten from Amazon?"

"Hey, you can dis Tony, Nat, but don't you dare be dissin' Amazon," I said, pointing my finger at her. I could hear Megan and Pepper giggling in the background before I spoke. "Besides, Tony. Move-in week is always hectic, increasing tenfold on the weekend."

"She is right," Vision said. "She has a lower risk of
losing her belongings or getting in a car crash during the week, whereas her risks increase at 52% on the weekend. Not to mention-"

"We get it, Vis," Wanda said, cutting him off.

"So, I hate to rush you. But, can you finish this meeting so I can finish packing?" I asked. Tony groaned before wrapping up the meeting, and I left for my floor almost immediately. When the elevator opened, I finished organizing my bins, and Natasha walked in.

"Think fast!" She said, beginning to aim a high kick at the head. I quickly dodged it and tussled with her before she pinned me down. Damn! "Not bad. But you hesitated on your punch," she reminded. I huffed, and she helped me to my feet.

"I know. I don't want to hurt you," I told her, placing my hands on my hips. "Besides, most of my time will be dedicated to studying and schoolwork. And I'm only meeting with that trainer once a week and self-exercise the rest," I reminded.

"I know. Just remember, no hesitation. You showed that with Peter," she reminded back. I groaned again and hid my face.

"That was immediate instinct," I said as Pumpkin approached us with his shrill meow. "Awe. I'm gonna miss you, buddy," I said as I began to pet him, the cat immediately flopping on the ground to playfully nom my hand. "Remember to have someone here send me pics of him and Batman," I said, looking at the gray feline sitting on the couch, glaring at one of my bins as if he could destroy it.

"Of course. You better finish packing, though. I'll see you in the morning," Nat said, walking out. I smiled at her before getting back to packing. I only got one of my packing bins finished when Peter came in.

"Hey," I said, standing up to greet him.

"Hey," he said, looking at the various amount of stuff going back to college with me in the area. "So you headed off to college tomorrow, huh?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Traffic will be less hectic the sooner I get there," I said, sounding a little down. Peter must've noticed because he leaned in a little closer.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked. I felt the tears build up, and I sniffled.

"Y-yeah. I just, I miss my mom is all," I said. Though it had almost been two months, losing mom still felt like yesterday. I missed everything about her. Peter sighed and opened his arms to me.

"Wanna hug?" He asked. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

"Y-yeah. I'd like one," I said, letting him pull me into a tight yet comforting hug as some tears slipped out. Peter kept me secure in his arms as he hugged me, gently rubbing my shoulder a bit. When I managed to calm a bit, we both pulled back and sat down. "Thanks. That did make me feel better," I said, wiping my tears away. Peter smiled as he shifted on the couch.

"Of course. I understand how you feel," he said, kind of trailing off. I sniffled and chuckled.

"We don't have to talk about it, not right now anyways," I said. Peter nodded and cleared his throat.

"Can I help you finish packing? Then we can play Mario Kart or you can teach me to play Animal Crossing," he said. I chuckled and made sure my switch was charging up.

"Yeah, but on own condition," I said. "You have to let me name your Island." Peter looked offended and gasped.

"You wound me, Banner," he said dramatically. His actions made me laugh so hard that a snort escaped me and I immediately covered my mouth and nose.

Peter smiled and caught his breath.

"I like your laugh," he said. I blushed a bit from embarrassment as Pumpkin started meowing for food.

"Alright, I hear you fluffy asshole," I said, rolling my eyes. I was gonna miss my boys, and my new family, but I knew they were just a phone call or text away.

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