Locked Up Love

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The words Mr. Rabenhoff used to lecture us about World War II seemed to go in one ear and out the other. Concentrating was surprisingly hard today, but that’s mostly because I was reminiscing over the fantastic time I’m going to have this weekend. My 18th birthday was coming up tonight, and I had planned, along with the help of my best friends, what is going to be the most amazing party of the century… well, at least in my small town of Nessmond, Oregon.  My foot unconsciously rattled and jingled, seeming to go to an imaginary tune under my desk and my eyes kept glancing up at the clock behind me, willing the small hands on the clock to at least go a little faster.  History class always seemed to pass by pretty quickly, but today it felt as if the period couldn’t go any slower.  My hand started to tap the pen I used for taking notes reflexively against the wood of my desk, creating an obnoxious noise that echoed throughout the classroom, giving company to the sound of the teacher’s voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my best friend, Melissa, turn in her seat to give me an annoyed glare, telling me to stop the racket all with the force in her eyes. The tap-tap-tap of the pen decreases its tempo and I drop the pen altogether, preventing the clatter to sound again.  Next thing you know, a small, folded up, sticky note lands on my desk and I open it up, smiling as I see the petite, elegant scrawl that belongs only to Melissa.

Calm down, Ariel! With the way your acting, you’d think that in 5 minutes, all clothing items at Bella’s was to be marked half-off! Remember, it is just a party.

It’s just a party to you! I write back, a little miffed at how she’d say that. But it’s my 18th to me. Do you realize the significance of that number? It means freedom; I’m finally going to be released from the shackles of society that’s held me down for so long.  I’m free to do… basically, whatever I want.  I fold back the paper into its original creases and flick the small square back to Melissa.  Looking behind me, for what must be the billionth time, a broad grin stretches across my face as I see there’s only about 5 minutes left of class. Turning slightly in my seat, I hold up my hand and wiggle my fingers and mouth ‘five minutes’ to Melissa, who smiles and shakes her head in amusement. Resting my head in the palm of my hand, I peacefully wait until the bell rings, dismissing us from class.


“Oh no, no, no, no no!” I exclaimed. After being dismissed from class, Melissa and I quickly went back to my house to make all the last-minute preparations for the party that was to be held tonight.  I had made sure that the celebration was on the perfect day since with it being Oregon and being held outside, the weather was never reliable, but today’s forecast looked like just what the doctor had ordered.  However, I  currently stood with my hands on my hips, my lips pursed, and an angry expression in my eyes for the temporary gazebo’s placed out back would not stay put no matter how much the both of us tried because the harsh winds out side just kept knocking and collapsing them over. We were getting more and more frustrated and frantic with the structures because time was simply running out. Sighing, Melissa turned to me, biting her lip and slowly shaking her head.

“I don’t know, Ariel. Your party just might have to be postponed.” Pausing, Melissa checked her watch, evaluating the time left.  “Why don’t you head up and get ready without me while I try to work something out, okay?”

Nodding and running my hands through my hair, I took her up on her offer, realizing if I kept working on this, I would have no time to get ready.  “Sure. If you can’t fix this then… I guess we will just have to postpone it.” I said, glumly.

Melissa smiled, effortlessly trying to lighten up the situation a bit. “It’s okay. I’m positive we’ll work something out.”

“Awesome.” And with that, I turned opening the heavy backdoor, instantly feeling relief from the cold chill from hanging in the air outside and entering the warm atmosphere of the heated house.  Heading upstairs, my feet tried their best to quietly progress their way up, but failed when my step-mom instantaneously walked in front of me and blocked my way of heading any further. I absolutely despised my step-mother, Cindy, with a blinding passion. She has this high-pitched squeal that replaces a normal  adult voice, she gets into everything, even though it’s usually non of her business, and she overall had just a fake, Barbie doll, aura that makes me want to gag just thinking about it. 

“Honey, how’s the par-tay going? I’m free to help you know!” She says, wiggling her hips. Clenching my teeth, I try to contain the probably rude and offensive response just clawing and desperate to come out. But I held it in, and kindly rejected her offer.

“No, we’re okay. Melissa’s just putting the final touches on everything, while I’m getting ready, so I don’t think we’ll need your services…” Cindy’s face actually drops, and for a quick second, I actually think that she might really be sincere, but then I snap back into reality, realizing she’s probably only trying to get a few points from my dad. Pushing my way past her, I continue to my bedroom, of which waits everything I need to look my best tonight.


Leaning against a wall, I surveyed my party with wide, observant eyes. Fortunately, the wind had calmed down a bit, and we were free to have the party outside. People flitted in and out of the tables, enjoying the food and drinks or dancing amongst each other, enjoying their time.  People came in from every direction to either congratulate me on my 18th or to tell me how much they like the party. A few guys walked up to me, and tried flirting but I usually waved them off with a flick of my hand just for the reason that I personally felt that now wasn’t the time for a relationship. I really didn’t need a commitment to weigh me down. Red cups littered though out the yard that was once filled with alcohol (thanks to my mom, against my wishes) and other beverages.  Sighing, I closed my eyes, letting the lull of the crowd block my thoughts, but a rough pull on my hair, robbing me of my balance, interrupted me.

“Hey!” I yelled “What do you think you’re doing?” I gripped my hair, trying to pull it out of the person’s grasp, but instead, they yanked harder dragging me to the exit of the yard, causing the hold I had on my hair to loosen in pain. Realizing this situation was much more serious than I originally thought it was, I started to kick, scream, and scratch, doing everything in my power to escape from this mysterious and dangerous being.

“Stop it! You’re only making it worse for yourself.” A smooth, manly voice hissed.  I tensed, and only struggled harder. But with the hold he had on my hair, I was at a total disadvantage.  Realizing I wouldn’t stop my struggle, the man covered my mouth with a big hand, which definitely grossed me out completely, and tried a better and tighter grip in my body, but none the less, I still thrashed about, licking and trying to bite the guy’s hand. I was honestly surprised that no one has noticed my battle with my smuggler, but with being in the dark and dim shadows, I guess it was reasonable they didn’t notice us.  I noticed we were getting closer and closer to the exit of the backyard, but I couldn’t seem to evade and escape this man and his tight hold on my body.  With nothing left to do and with my options running out, I dug my feet in the soft and muddy earth and tried to cripple to the ground, my sole purpose being to slow down the guy and his efforts. But instead of working out like I wanted it to, he grabbed me by the waist and slung me over his shoulder with his nails digging in the backs of my thighs. He quickly finished the distance left out the back gate, despite my pounding on his lower back and the kicking of my legs  violently, and walked up to a sleek, black truck, opening the trunk and attempting to throw me in. I gripped on to the edges of the car, preventing me from being tossed in.  Sighing, my captivator rustled a bit in his pocket; using his strength to keep me pressed down, and pressed a cool washcloth up to my face.  Instantly realizing he was trying to drug me, I held my breath, refusing to give in; but I soon saw stars and I was forced to suck in a deep breath, tasting the sweet-smelling liquid in my mouth. The affects didn’t take long, for my hands eventually loosened their grip, and my eyes softly closed, against my will. Man that was some strong stuff.  

 A/N: HEY!!! So this is my first story here on Wattpad as you can tell, and I guess I'm just trying o figure it out and see if I wanna write on here. Comment if you want more and enjoy the story so far!! I would love some encouragement... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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