The Start™

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After coming from a Nicki Minaj concert I was ✨HOOKED✨,I was like {I need} to get in the studio,make some beats, do better in school...and GET THIS MUNY😜💰💸
So the I called My dads FINE client that he works with named Chris !!
I was just asking questions like... How much MUNY,When can I get in the studio,And when can I perform??
THIS CLOWN gone say "you need to take things slow and focus on what might happen when you BLOW UP !"
So now at this point I'm yelling at him he yelling back,what makes me mad is he think he grown,he is 3 years older than me he's20 and I'm 17,:but it's kinda cute when he yelling..But then I just hung up because I like things to go my way or I'm out!✌🏽So then I called my
daddy and I tried to talk to him about what happened in the studio
Layla:Can you have Chris do better in the studio and for him to be more supportive...PLEASE 😕
Dad:I can't control what he does he is GROWN and if that's how he feels then that's that..
Layla:See!! That's way I wish my momma was down here right now, not In Hawaii with her "bffs/squad" cause she solves all the problems I had the RIGHT way,but with you its all chill,chill,chill!!!😖
Dad:You have just been wild and
SASSY💅🏽👛💸👙 an...-G.C.O-
Layla:haha dad {yes} I know I'm a wild child😂☺️
Daddy: like I was saying, now call Chris and tell him I said tall need to have a 2hr session in the studio cause time is money, and he is wasting my money if no on is in the booth working.

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