𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 ((pieces of)) 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁 pt 1

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((more info drops kinda also this is y/n's past bit by bit somewhat but IM SHOCKED ON HOW OLD SOME OF YOU GUYS ARE READING THIS IM SORRY IF MY GRAMMAR OR SPELLING IS SHITTY FROM MY OLD TIMES OF ME STAYING UP AND WRITING CHAPTERS im sorry if none of this makes sense cause my mind is silly atm and how some of the characters here or ooc))

3rd person 
ah, another normal night out with friends with NO chaos once so ever while y/n, MK, ally, and Mei were hanging out ally decided to bring something in for the conversation "hey do you, guys, know someone who has somewhat ym/hc||yf/hc and ym/hl||yf/hl?" ally asked them three "No? why?- did you see someone who had that kind of hair?" Mei or MK depending on which one would have asked in curiosity "yea I was gonna leave Mk's place after giving y/n something until I saw someone on top of a building with that kind of hair" ally answered being calm and chill y/n was there trying to see if she knew it was unusual for them for y/n to think THAT long "here let me draw it out-" ally got out her sketch pad and drew it out and showed it to them "here does that ring a bell?" ally said while still showing them y/n instantly remembered something 

young y/n pov ((flash back kinda))
"Mama!-/Papa!-" you grabbed onto your mother's/father's hand trying to catch up with their speed of running while everything was covered in fire animals running away to survive and get out of the way of falling burning tree branches or collapsing trees itself there was gunshot noises people or more of hunters yelling and killing animals that had lived there in the forest your mother/father found a burrow and dug it up more so you can fit in there and stay hidden easily while there were bunnies there too even little ones and they carefully placed you there "I will come back for you y/n" those were the last words you heard as your mother/father left you until you heard a scream from her/him in the distance.. that was the moment you knew it would also be the last knowing that now you quietly cried as you curled up into a ball with the only thing of them...the hide you got from him/her as night went away into a bright morning you decided to wake up only to little bunnies cuddling up against you how cute but you decided to move slowly and quietly trying not to wake them up of course you understood animals too cause duh anyway while getting out everything was very different from the fire trees dried up and withered dry bushes everywhere ones with fruit in them once was now gone...

so back in reality . . . 

Y/n pov
you stepped back instantly you wanted to cry you needed to know if she/he was really out there alive... you held onto your weapon tightly shaking slightly breathing hard you got out and ran off from them not caring at all you just wanted to see your mother/father after all these years you thought you really lost her/him running all over the place trying to find her/him you got tired but that didn't stop you until the next 8 hours you gave up you were tired even more your legs hurt from running so much you fell to the ground on your knees as tears started to form up in your eyes and that was it you started to cry trying not to cry so loud at all you wanted to kill whoever took him/her away from you why? what did he/she ever do? what did he/she do to deserve that? why you laid there crying until you were tired and you fell asleep there on the cold cement ground as the others searched for you where even were you anyway? 

until the next day you woke up you weren't on the cold cement ground you had fallen asleep on...

to be mcfucking continued sorry this is short hhhjmnhbgfvbhjnkm :')

𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 | 𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗱Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu