It's a Monday and I really don't think you should be drinking
I hope you know I'm never leaving your side alright?

Was that supposed
to make me laugh?

Did you laugh?

held it back because
I'm in an Uber
Almost though

It was supposed
to make you laugh

I'm gonna stream in a few hours, you can participate if you want
I'm judging bedrooms

Yeah I'll probably
send a video in :)

Thanks for
trying to make
me feel better but
I'm still gonna drink,
sleep to

My time is all messed up.

Np Min



"Guys, stop with the Schlanket" I rub my eyes and hold back a laugh. "Next one, it better not have a Schlanket" right as I click onto the next video I get alerted of a donation.

"Hey big man, I hope the next one has a Schlanket"

"I-" I turn my head back to my screen. "IT'S A FUCKING SCHLANKET" I stand up and take my headphones off, walking out of the room. I get a new waterbottle and add flavoring to it before shaking it and walking back into the room. "I'm gonna skip it"

I glance down at my phone and see Min calling me. I pick up and turn the phone on speaker. "J THATS MY VIDEO! WATCH IT! WAT-" Min hangs up, I chuckle and set my phone down.

"Fine" I click play and watch the video.

"J I don't know what I'm suppose to do, that's my Schlanket. A fan gave it to me, you know who you are" Min points at the camera, I laugh. She was definitely drunk, from the way she spoke to the almost empty bottle of whiskey in the corner of the camera.

"This video isn't that good" I look at the chat.

"That's uh, a-a ram squishmallow! You know, I thought it was a goat- wait, no. You thought it was a goat? Whatever! I'm gonna give this to you soon, and that's mine. The cake squishmallow, J are you giving this a ten outta ten?" She flips the camera to her face, I laugh when I see she taped a piece of paper on her face but my face was printed on it. She laughs herself. "I can't keep a straight face-"

"That's fucking creepy!" I laugh harder. "What the fuck?"

"And finally" she takes the piece of paper off her face, she points the camera at the ceiling  to show a picture of the Weezer album. The video changes to the album cover and plays the opening cords.

"NO! NO! FUCK NO!" I pause the video and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Min..." I sigh. "Zero. It was worse than any of them. I hated it. Fuck your room, it's shit." I shake my head and move on to the next video. I see my phone ringing again, I roll my eyes and pick up.

"J...I put so much effort into that video! I even got my printer out-! Augh, god." She whines. "I can't- I'm way to drunk for this. Fuck you and your streaming, making fun-"

"Min what-"


my eyes widen, I start laughing when she hangs up. She sounded really fucking angry, was she okay? She stopped herself before she finished her sentence, making fun of what? Her? Then it hit me, I'll call her after stream.

"Min are you-"

"I-I'm so sorry J-" Min chokes out a sob, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "E-Everything has just been so stressful...my whole family fucking sucks, the only person that actually FUCKING cares is about to d-die..."

"Min what are you talking about? Who is about to die?" I sit up straight.

"M-My dad. Apparently his cancer came back months ago b-but he didn't tell me because he was scared...Jill told me yesterday and I didn't- I don't know what to do J" she sniffles. "Why does everyone I love always leave me?"

"I-" I shut my mouth, I left her too. "Min..." I sigh. "Are you somewhere safe right now?"

"I'm under my bed"

"What? Why?" I ask her confused.

"I always h-hid under the bed when I was upset and my dad would crawl under and lay w-with me..." She explains, I smile softly.

"Are you safe there?"


"Min I want you to stop drinking okay? And I know this is coming from me but really, I don't trust you right now. Get a glass of water but if you can't just lay down under there and close your eyes okay?" I run a hand through my hair, just hoping she would listen.

"I don't wanna get hit..."

"What? I-Is someone in the house with you?" I quickly ask.

"N-No, no I didn't mean to say that. Sorry...I'm gonna go to bed here..." she sighs. "J did I tell you why Devin broke up with me?"

"Yeah, yeah you did" I relax a little, watching Jambo walk around.

"It was because I still liked someone and I was trying to get over them with Devin..." she tells me anyways.

"Oh" I nod. "Who was that person?" I ask calmly.


Froggie speaks!I almost started crying while writing this chapter :(

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Froggie speaks!
I almost started crying while writing this chapter :(

wowie . jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now