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Where to begin this story. Apart from being swept away from your some what comfortable life only to be trapped in a repeating hell could be the best way to start. 

You were in university, an average student, nothing special there and so damn close to getting the degree before the universe decided to have other plans for you. Yep, it had truly and royalally screwed you over. What did you do to ever to deserve this fate. Was is that time you lied to your parents? Could it of been when you techinically stole some money from your sibling when you were 12? Possibly. But this was completely messed. 

How could a being just decide to change your fate all together. Easily with no emoition about too. Not that you believed the entity had any empathy to us earthlings. But you were what kept it entertained and when it bored it, a new person would appear. 

Time was also strange here, at the camp it was forever night and in the trials it could be dawn, twilight possibly afternoon. It varied. It really messed up everyone's body clocks, it was like you were all jetlag. It sucked. 

Though you had only been there may be a week based on how often you slept, you have yet to meet all the killers but you were in no rush to do so, you know how it goes when you meet a killer. It gets bloody. 

As for survivors, you were slowly getting to know them bit by bit. In fact, some have already taught you some of their skills! They were very useful in the trials. Sometimes you were use a combination of you skills with other players skills. As you had to choose what skills to take with you to the trials. 

You had 3 unique skills which could be handy when they chose to be. 

1) Hide and Seek - This allowed you when you or another player has opened a chest, you could simply hide inside of it for short amount of time. Useful. But you must make sure the chest is open. 

2) Onigokko - Also known as tag. But the name is cooler. You are good at running a long time. If you are chased for a long time you get sprint burst. Useful for escapes. 

3) Sudoku- If you get perfect great skill checks in a row. Victory is closer than it seems! The progress increases not only on your generator but generator around you that are being worked on. 

These could be quite handy and reflected how you enjoyed playing games. 

Apart from this you had no idea how to escape the entity's torture or whether you would escape all together. 

But the path that lies ahead is always unexpected and anything could go.

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