Chapter I. Valar Dohaeries

Start from the beginning

"You did not tell me"

"And I am a missing person so she must turn the red keep to hell on my father"

"Lord Tywin Lannister someone affects him"

"You did not see her, No one dares to step on Genna Lannister" sigh "I guess something big happens years ago and Father was so pissed but Father does not talk to her for half a year, I saw he will chain her"

"I can not wait to meet her"


"I want to hear your childhood stories"  


Narrator POV

In King's Landing, In, Tyrion's chambers, Tyrion and Cersei are in the room talking. Genna and her guards stop outside the room hearing what they are talking about. Cersei says "Because I have hundreds of spies in my employ. The Master of Whisperers owes me a favour or two. Father told me. What do you want from him?"

Tyrion says "What do I want from him? He's my father. Do I need to want something? I'm sure he loves me dearly, as any father loves his child, his baby boy. Yet he hasn't come to visit once since arriving in King's Landing. I lay here, my face split in half, but Father never came."

"You're going to make me cry."

"Why do you care what I want from him?"

"Because you've slandered me to Father before."

"Slandered? When?"

"You told him I had my guards beat that servant girl at Casterly Rock."

"You did have your guards beat her. A girl of nine, I believe."

"I was nine, too."

"She lost an eye if I remember correctly."

"If I remember correctly, she never stole a necklace again."

"It's not slander if it's true."

"And what's this truth you plan on telling him today?"

" Why are you so nervous about what I'm going to say to Father?"

"Because you're a liar. I expect you'll tell lies about me, about Joffrey."

"Any lies in particular?"

"You're a clever man, but you're not half as clever as you think you are."

"Still makes me more clever than you."

Genna enters "Am I missing something here?" Cersei and Tyrion widen their eyes at each other "Yes, I came after my son's funeral" She looks at Cersei "Where is Jaime?"


Outside Harrenhal, Horses trot as Robb Stark's army is on the move. Robb accepts Bernia to still be commander of the Archery soldier and still be friends after marrying Talisa.

Bernia tries her best not to show Robb her jealousy of Talisa being the wife of her lover "We should set the siege lines a thousand yards from Harrenhal."

Robb says "There won't be a siege. The Mountain can't defend a ruin."

Roose Bolton says "I imagine the Mountain will defend whatever Tywin Lannister tells him to defend."

Robb says "The Lannisters have been running from us since Oxcross. I'd love a fight. The men would love a fight. I don't think we're going to get one."

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