Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

No matter how many times Alma brought up Ray, I quickly changed the subject, asking her what she wanted to wear or what she wanted for lunch. I still didn't understand why he did what he did to me. I kept telling myself to get over it but didn't realize how hard that would be. All I knew is that I couldn't keep letting him ruin my days. If he cares at all for me, even if it's only as a friend, then he'll try, right?

I'd been ignoring Nick's texts all day and I felt like I needed to avoid him to get my thoughts together.

"You know Hun, maybe I was wrong. Maybe you should be with the..."

"Preppy boy?"

Alma nodded and I pulled my knees against my chest.

"You just need some alcohol Hun."

"Um no I don't. I don't drink."

"See that's why you're so stressed all the time. We've found the problem."

I shook my head at Alma and laid it against the armrest. She must have been a real firecracker when she was younger.

"You remind me of someone Leigh."


"Yeah...I can't quite put my finger on it."

Instead of responding, I turned the TV to an episode of Friends for Alma and then entered the kitchen to make lunch.


"Leigh I want to talk to you about Saturday night."

I looked at Ray, completely shocked that he had the nerve to even talk to me.

"Unless it's nice, don't you say a single word to me."

I grabbed my bag and left the house so quickly, leaving him standing in between the kitchen and living room. I hadn't planned on being so snippy but I couldn't help it. I didn't care anymore. There was nothing left of me to care. I only wanted to go to sleep just to get away from everything and that's exactly what I did as soon as I got to my apartment.


The pounding on my door woke me up from my peaceful sleep. People used to never ever come knocking at my door and now I felt like someone was every five minutes.


With just one word I recognized Nick's voice.


"Open this door!" He yelled, pounding his fist against it again.

I stumbled out of my tiny bedroom, through the living room and opened my door. Nick stormed in, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Do you know how worried I've been? Hell, I almost broke your door down."

"What are you talking about?"

"Saturday you never called me when you got home and you've been avoiding me ever since. What is up with you?"

I pulled my baggy sweats up that had been sagging down low on my hips.

"I don't know." I mumbled, only wanting to crawl back into bed.

"I'm not leaving until we fix this."

"I can't be fixed! Okay? There is always going to be something wrong with me."

I couldn't get images of the accident out of my head. It's like they were on a continuous loop in my mind. I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. Nick grabbed me, holding me so tight like he thought I might fall apart if he didn't.

"They won't go a-away." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"What won't?"

I didn't know if I could keep it in any longer. I was a mess and If I kept it in any longer it would keep festering, ruining me from the inside out.

"I c-couldn't save her from it."

Nick continued to hold me but pulled his head away so that he could now see my face covered with tears.

"Couldn't save her from what Leigh?"

I let out another sob. I'd done so well until now.

"The...the fire."


Chapter dedicated to @pinkypurplepistachio bc she has been so amazing lately. I promise it is going to get happier but we have to get through the bad to get to the good. Vote, comment, and share!

Faith <3

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