Deleted Scene: Waspling Meets GrANTpa

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This was an alternate scene I wrote that would've seen PJ meet his grandfather in the past in an entirely different setting. The setting is, instead of going back to 1970, Harley and PJ would go to visit Hank Pym while still in 2012, while Jamie and Peter would go back to another time where the Tesseract would be. Then Harley and PJ would come find them and they'd all go home together.

I almost went with it, but I went ahead and stuck with the chapter in the story.



***San Francisco***

After a good hour and a half of flying, mostly Harley as PJ rode on his back in his shrunken form, the two finally made it to their destination.

Harley slowed and hovered over a park before descending to the grassy ground below.

"Please watch your step and thank you for flying Air Harley." He said as he touched down.

His helmet opened and folded back into the neck of his suit and he looked around, seeing there wasn't anyone else around.

PJ's wings came out and he flew off of his friend's shoulder before growing back to normal and landing on his feet. His helmet folded back as well and he let out a breath. "No peanuts, no drinks, what kind of a flight was that?" He joked.

Harley laughed at that. The two jumped out of their suits and PJ slipped his on under the clothes he was wearing underneath. When they were done, they headed down the street to their destination.

They were in a suburban area, multiple houses all around, just outside the city. But the house they were particularly interested in was a big reddish brown house with a dark green trim.

"This is it, right?" Harley said

PJ looked to the house with a longing. A wave of homesickness washing over him. "Yeah... yeah, this is it." He said, worry in his voice.

"You alright?" Harley asked him.

PJ, not exactly sure how to answer that, shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know... nervous, I guess. Happy too, but nervous. I haven't seen my grandfather since I was a baby. He was a very different man than he would be right now. In this time I mean, and... I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"... I don't know how he'll react. I mean, what if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't want to help us? Chances are he may not believe anything we say."

Harley felt for his younger friend. He knew what it was like to be worried about someone not liking him or listening to him. He faced that a lot as a kid after his dad left. It was something he was bullied about on a daily basis. And he felt helpless at times... but then things changed after Tony Stark showed up and he helped him. And now he was here, helping his new friends to save the world... Heck, the universe too really.

With that Harley knelt down and put a hand on PJ's shoulder and gave him a nod. "Don't worry about it, Peej. I'm sure your grandfather'll love you. You're a pretty likable kid."

PJ laughed at that and nodded. "Thanks Harley."

"And hey, if he doesn't wanna help us, then we're just gonna have to convince him to. Okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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