The middle part one

Start from the beginning

Luckily it was not a school day, and I spent the rest of the day hiding in Yeosang's room, hissing at both him and Jungkook when they tried to get me to leave.
Jungkook finally left in the afternoon, I made a joke about him doing on a date with Taehyung and he hissed back at me. His love of the teacher was obvious, but Taehyung was such an extrovert that he was always busy with other people. Jungkook ended up hanging with others as well, and neither made any moves toward the other.
Yeosang finally got annoyed, my constant asking for attention working as he gave up trying to prep for his next class, allowing me to get the cuddles I wanted so badly from him.
However, with my constant complaining, it didn't last long.
He sighed about 500 times before pushing me off the bed. Luckily, he had the bottom bunk.
"Stop it," I whined from the floor.
"Then stop complaining. You seriously need to just go up to the man and kiss him, get married, and have babies, and stop telling me about how perfect he looks!" Yeosang complains right back as he sits up on the bed.
"Yeo!" I pout and cross my arms, still lying on the cold metal floor.
Yeosang rolls his eyes, "You are literally 25, stop throwing a tantrum," He says with yet another sigh.
"Why can't I act like a child on occasion?" I ask, pragmatically, as if this was the most logical thing to be suggesting in the world. Yeosang just stares down at me, his own near-perfect features communicating how annoyed he was getting.
"This floor is cold," I say trying to dispel some of his annoyance.
He stares at me dubiously but finally sighs, caving and offering me his hand, "Come back up here, but stop acting like one of your preschoolers."
I grin and climb back onto his bed, reaching for him and his warmth after the cool metal floor against my back. He lets me curl into his side and puts his arms back around me.
"Hey, I know you are stressed over this for whatever reason, but you really don't need to be."
I frown into his shirt, "How can you know that."
"Because I know men, and I know you, and I know that you both have been skirting around each other for years. I'm pretty sure whatever you think about him he thinks about you, and if you take one step toward him, he will take five toward you."
I don't answer, thoughts warring against each other in my head. I trust Yeosang, he's my best friend and the closest thing I have to family now, but the idea that he may be mistaken about this is just as strong of a thought.
Yeosang lets me think and stays with me in his bed for a long time. It isn't until the buzzer goes off to alert us to dinner time that he finally urges me to move. And I do, I let him lead me out of the room and through the maze of halls until we reach the dining hall.
Seokjin had cooked up some soup and bread for dinner, and Yeosang makes sure I don't spill my tray on the way to our table.
Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and a teen boy come over and sit down. I slowly eat my food and let the others talk after Taehyung introduces us all to the teenager, who is apparently called Hyunjin.
Taehyung and his art-loving self started talking nonstop about art and Hyunjin being talented. I let him talk, not feeling like contributing much, but I did notice Jungkook's reaction to this turn of events. For once the younger man looked slightly jealous.

Despite Yeosang's urging and reassurance, I couldn't find the courage to go and talk to him again for a while.
Another month passed before I talked to him again.
I had been trying to think of a reason to go and see him that didn't make it seem obvious that I was trying to see him. It was very difficult.
But one day my computer popped up a message, telling me to have some regular maintenance done on the device, and my face lit up. A few of the kids snickered at me for being excited about having to get my computer worked on but I brushed them off and told them to finish their research for their essays.
I decided to go to him this time.
After school hours I unhooked the computer and took it with me toward where I knew the maintenance people liked to hang out, most of them older men who were kind but a little condescending.
I knocked on the door to the office and someone buzzed me in, the door opening on its own like in my classroom.
I stepped in and looked around, slightly disappointed to not find him in the office. Instead, three middle-aged men were looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to state my reason for interrupting their card game.
"Hi, sorry to bother you," I said quickly smiling, "I just need some routine checks done on my computer, the tech who does my maintenance said I could ask him anytime."
"And he told you he would be here?" One of them asks, brow furrowed in confusion.
"Oh, no, I suppose I should have sent him a message or something before showing up like this," I say sheepishly, but not backing down as I walk a bit further into the room.
"Who do you mean?" a second man asks.
"Oh, the young tech? He's got kinda long black hair, and scarred arms?"
They nod in realization and the third one smiles. He was a bit younger than the other two, "He's out doing checks in the hospital area but if you want to leave it here, we will make sure he gets it when he comes back later."
I hesitate, I had come really to see him but the three of them were waiting expectantly and I gave in, walking the rest of the way over and handing the computer to the youngest man.
"That would be great, thank you so much!"
"Of course!" He smiles and asks my name, for the note he was writing. When I told him my name, all three of them suddenly looked up at me, surprise, and interest on their faces.
"Did I say something wrong?" I ask, confused, and startled at the response.
They just glance at each other and shake their heads, "No, nothing, don't worry."
I give them a look, but they give me innocent smiles back and I'm forced to relent.
"Okay, fine, keep your secrets," I sigh and then say goodbye, letting myself back out of the room with another thanks on my lips.

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