Sick Eddie Spaghetti

14 3 0

Fall of 1889

Eddie's POV:

I thought not being a coat was a wonderful idea. I was wrong. It's pouring down freezing cold rain onto my body. My nose is runny, and I'm soaking wet.

"Eds, are you sure you don't want my coat? You're going to get sick," Richie said about the fiftieth time, even if it was a bit odd. "Yes, I'm sure, and I'm not going to get sick." "Just cause your mom told you that a bunch of bullshit can get you sick, doesn't mean the rain can't!" He said putting his coat around my shoulders. He then took off his Hawaiian shirt, which revealed a Spiderman shirt underneath, and put it over his head.

I just sighed and continued walking until Richie almost fell down a hole. "Then it is," he said with a huff, opening the door, "Spaghettis first." "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!" I yelled, climbing down the ladder, to the clubhouse, Ben built us. He just laughed.

When Richie climbed down, closing the door behind him, he went to some type of box and pulled out two pairs of clothes. "Put these on," he said, throwing them to me, "Sorry if they're too big. He turned around so I could get some privacy as I changed. I took off my shirt, then made it five times colder than it actually was, which made me shiver. I quickly put on the other shirt, hoping it would warm me up, which it didn't. I also quickly changed my boxers and pants. I just threw my socks on the floor.

"Are you done?" Rich asked, slipping on his shirt as I turned around. I hummed in response, running to the hammock so I could lie in it first. "When will the others get here?" I asked, grabbing the blanket off the floor. "Soon, Eds... I think," he said, mumbling the last part. I just nodded, picking up a comic from the box.

I guess I nodded off because when I woke someone was over me, their hand on my forehead, it felt nice. "Ben, do we have a thermometer?!" the person over me said, but I couldn't recognize their voice. "No, sorry," Ben said, I think, I couldn't tell.

Everything was cold but the warmth of the hand, so I leaned into it. "Eds?" the voice asked. I opened my eyes to see a black curly hair, glasses-wearing idiot leaning over me. I could feel my face warm up a bit, but I don't know from what. "Trashmouth, I'm cold," I blurted out, leaning more into his hand. My throat burned, my nose was stuffy, my ears were ringing, my eyes were watery, and my body was shivering.

"Then let me get you another bl-" "No, he's burning up, we got to lower his temperature," Ben said, coming into view. "HOW THE HELL DO W-" is all I hurt until the ringing got too loud, blurring out the rest of the conversation.

Ben told Richie something and he just nodded, getting his coat on. He opened the door and rain poured in! O have no idea how the hell this place didn't flood yet. Richie shut the door, asking for a flashlight, I think. Ben just nodded, handing him one, before grabbing a washrag. Richie climbed up the ladder, shutting the door when he got up there. Ben put the rag on my forehead, making me shiver, the rag was cold. I stared at the door waiting for Richie to come back. Then I nodded off.

Richie's POV:

It would be pitch black if I didn't have the flashlight, which I only could see two feet in front of me with. It was harder to see anything because of the water droplets dripping down onto my glasses. Then I tripped, cutting my leg, screaming, "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" I sighed, got up, and kept walking (limbing), mumbling to myself, in everyone's favorite British accent, "Come on Sir Tozier, you got to get the supplies to save the prince," I mumbled the rest of the way home.

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