51 | Unexpected Meeting

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*I'm in your walls, watching you read

*Also about the "danger" it doesn't concern the slow-burn harem, but rather her life~


     "We're adopting Emerald Cory~!" Floyd exclaimed, carrying the demoness. "She'll be our triplet, you guys can suck it up~!" He teased her child and ran away from him.

     "Give me back my mother!" Luke yelled, running after Floyd to get his beloved parent. Lilia just laughed on the sidelines, "This is hilarious. I should tell Malleus about this."

- Ramshackle Dorm -

The poor dorm leader of Ramshackle is trying to fall asleep, but because of Grim's sleep-talking antics prevented him to do so. He decided to go outside to breathe some fresh air since the night is still young, a perfect opportunity to take a nightly stroll. He sat on the grass, watching the stars sparkle in the sky...

     "It's too cold..." He murmured, hugging himself. Then a loud crunch of leaves was heard nearby, alerting the human, "Hm? Who are you?" It was Horn-san of Diasomnia, but Yuu doesn't know him of course.

     "Intruder?!" Yuu gasped in surprise. He chuckled, watching Yuu's expression change into a sour look, "This is surprising. You're a child of man," he said. Yuu must've noticed he's in the same dorm as (Name), squinting at the armband of his arm, "This dorm has been abandoned for a while, it only eases my mind since I'm alone."

     "Who are you?" Yuu asked. Horn-san was bewildered, meeting another one who doesn't know him aside from the demoness, "Who am I, you say? You don't know me? You're not lying to me, aren't you? That's very rare to say... What name do you go by?" He asked, avoiding the question.

     "I'm Yuu. It would be nice to know your name," the Ramshackle Dorm Leader stated, crossing his arms. "Yuu? What a unique name... I'm—No, I'm afraid I'm not gonna tell you. For your sake, stay ignorant for your good, and do call me by any name you like. You wouldn't like the sound of my name either way... Though, you'll pay for being ignorant someday..." He smiled at him.

     "Weirdo..." Yuu whispered to himself. Horn-san crossed his arms, "Since this place isn't abandoned anymore, I might as well find a new abandoned place for me to stroll. Now, I wish you a good night and farewell," he said and waved his hands. His form disappeared, leaving lime fireflies.

     "You're still awake, Yuu-san?" The demoness appeared in front of the gate, holding a tray of cream puffs. Yuu ran towards the gate to open it, "Ah! (Name)-san, why are you here?" He asked.

     "I baked a lot of cream puffs, so I decided to give the extra ones to you," she told him. The demoness placed a kiss on Yuu's head, causing the male to blush from the sudden gesture, "I'll be taking my leave then. I also added tea to help you sleep, okay? Goodnight, Yuu-san..." She waved goodbye and disappeared in black smoke.

In the distance, Malleus or Horn-san was watching the two of them converse. Yes, he already feels like this butler would change everything for him and he'll make sure that no one can steal her. Diavolo wouldn't be happy if another Prince is in the run for his butler, but no one would like a bloody battle to stain their reputation in front of their beloved, right?

- Savanaclaw Dorm, Leona's room -

     Leona was lying down, seemingly asleep. His slumber was interrupted by a loud knock followed by the door opening, "Leona-san, I brought you dinner. Good evening!" Ruggie exclaimed, placing the tray on his bed. "I've finished another job again!"

     The lion groaned, "Good job, Ruggie. You sure are useful for this job, I'll keep you," he muttered as he chew his dinner. Ruggie chuckled, "It's natural because it's for you Leona-san!" He proudly affirmed.

     The lion huffed, "Don't flatter me, Ruggie. I know you're doing this for yourself," he told him. The hyena rolled his eyes, "Don't act as if it doesn't benefit both of us, Leona-san. The hyenas are also keen on helping the King of Beasts because they wanted to improve their lives, I'm only doing the same."

Leona clicked his tongue, telling Ruggie to make sure no one knows the fact they were behind the matter of the injured students. No one should leave evidence, then he sniffed the air and sensed someone outside. He squinted his eyes at his door, knowing someone is eavesdropping on their conversation...

     "By the way, Leona-san, which prey do you want me to target?" Ruggie asked. Leona smirked, "How about—a wolf that's eavesdropping on someone's conversation?" He answered.


     "I know you're there, newbie. It's rude to eavesdrop on the conversations of your seniors, might as well have your big ears get a new play toy," Leona stated. Jack entered the room to reveal himself and the lion raised his eyebrow, "What do you want this late at night? You want me to sing a lullaby or tell you a bedtime story to make you sleep?"

     "I could sing one for you~," Ruggie chuckled. "Why... Why are you doing this? Tell me the reason, so I can understand," Jack stated.

Leona huffed and closed his eyes, starting to tell the reason why he was doing this. As you all may know, Savanaclaw Dorm has been defeated twice by the Diasomnia Dorm—led by Malleus Draconia. They may have crushed the other dorms, but they're not matched by the monstrous Malleus Draconia...

Even though they're considered weaklings, Savanaclaw always has a rank within the tournaments. The defeats they experienced weren't just watched by the whole school, but also by the whole world. In the end, the dorm leader rod Savanaclaw was considered not reliable enough making the sponsors and members from pro leagues to be uninterested...

     "You're not just... You're not just good enough for now..." Jack told his dorm leader.

     "Exactly," Leona laughed bitterly. "Last year, we didn't do such silly tampering. Too stupid to rely on our luck, we couldn't defeat that bastard Draconia. We know we'll lose, but we didn't make a plan... Considering our dorm is founded by the persistence of the  King of Beasts, it must've been a shock for the whole world."

     "That doesn't justify the fact you're injuring people just to get the number one spot!" Jack yelled.

     Leona huffed, "You don't understand, don't you, Jack? I'm only doing this for the sake of Savanaclaw's name," he told the wolf. "If we manage to defeat Malleus, then the damages of Savanaclaw's name will be restored. Everyone has decided that if that son of a bitch wins again, he'll be put into the Hall of Fame."


     "This is our last chance, Jack, but then again... You're still giving up because of your guilty conscience, right?" Leona glared at the wolf, disappointed. "Are you willing to destroy your senior's future?"


     "Using tactics to catch your prey isn't something cowardly about," Leona added. Ruggie chuckled, "You don't know how this school works, don't you, Jack-kun? Cowards with small brains won't survive here, and being weak won't help either~," he told the wolf.

Jack tried to convince Leona to use his brilliant play from before and encouraging words, but sadly the lion merely got angry about it—making him throw the tray to Jack's face. Threatening the wolf to leave, the lion sighed at how his temper got into him. Ruggie asked if he could tamper Jack, but Leona said no—considering Jack's one of the players for this Tournament...

     "Keep an eye on him for now," Leona told the hyena. "Yes, sir!"

     "Tch... That newbie talks like my brother..."



(✔︎) ❝𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑❞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz