Question #8

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atoz_storys_ asked: What's your favorite horror movie besides your own?

*thinks for a minute*

Chucky: well... I don't think any movie can compete with mine *crosses arms*

Dennis: wow, doesn't someone sound self conceited?

Dean: damn, Denny. You nasty.

Dennis: I get it from the one and only *smirks at Dean*

Chucky: yeah, the one who always cracks dirty jokes and "claims to be a positive influence on Dennis."

Dean: excuse me, sir. I am a positive influence on my babes. He learns a lot from me that'll help him in later life.

Chucky: are you kidding me? *glares at Dean*

Dennis: ok back to the question guys. What's your favorite horror movie? BESIDES YOUR OWN, Chucky.

Chucky: *sighs* anything with possession. Like The Exorcist. I can't really decide but that's one of them.

Dean: I'll say......
The human centipede.

*Dennis and Chucky slowly stare at Dean, blinking awkwardly.*


Dean: JUST KIDDING. that movie scared the fucking shit out of me when I was younger, but then I got used to it. It's a great movie for everyone.

Chucky: I honestly don't even consider that "horror."

Dennis: I still refuse to watch that. The first time he showed me, I was messed up for a while. My favorite horror movie is Insidious.

Dean: I don't really have a favorite. Sorry atoz_storys_ . Maybe the human centipede since it had the most effect on me. Haven't watched much horror movies.

Chucky: we really need to have a movie night. But nah, last time we did that Dean fell asleep on me, then Dennis.

Dean: well you guys are my human pillows. I CANT HELP MYSELF.

Dennis: okie dokie! ANY OTHER QUESTIONS!?

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