014 ♕ Paper Boats And Lovelace ༄

Start from the beginning

"Be quiet!" Nancy hissed. "Sorry."

"No, I get that a lot. It's an old house and I live alone in. And I don't leave it often." Lucy knelt to Mike. "Promise to be a good witch only. But, you can't tell anyone." A finger touched her lips and Mike gave a toothy grin. Mimicking the motion. "Tell Karen I said hello, Nancy. You look so much like her, more and more every day."

Nancy took her brother's hand.

"Thanks and thanks for helping him." She pressed her lips. "C'mon, Mike. My jeans are ruined."

"Bye, lady!" Mike waved his boat and hurried to keep up with his sister. Lucy tucked the umbrella under her arm and made her path home to change into another dress. Caught a red light blinking on her answering machine. Pressed the button as she clipped her stockings into place.

"Lucy, it's Beverly. You won't believe who I saw in town. Hopper. Jim Hopper. Your Jim. I know he was your friend."

Lucy dropped her boot, back snapping. Her Jim.

"He didn't look the same. Why would he after... I just thought you should know if you haven't heard from him. He looked bad. Maybe you can check on him. Said he was staying at the Motel Six."

Lucy was already out the door. Car revving to squeal off. It'd been over a year since she spoke to Jim. Months of sending letters and leaving voicemails. Trying to reach him and say how sorry she was and that she was here.

Little Sara passed away. Word was Diane left him not long after.

The neon sign blared in the muted distance as she pulled up in search of him or his car. Anything. She ended up bribing the host five bucks for the room number. Nineteen.

"Jim!" Knocks shook the door. Turned her knuckles red. "Jim Hopper!"

She almost smacked him mid pound when the door swung back. There he was. Thermal black shirt and jeans. Rumbled and scruffy. Hair a mess. Eyes sunken like he hadn't slept in years. Lungs swept for air. Hands crossed to press into her beating heart.

"Jim...I heard you were in town."

"Lucy." A smile crept over his glazed expression and he hugged her smelling of a bar's back alley.

And then the metal poured molten and bloody.

Jim buried his nose in Lucy's neck and pulled her into the room.

"Hi." She stood still like marble.

"Mm so happy to see you. I got all 'yur letters." Jim wobbled with her tight in his arms, urging her to hug back so she did.

"J-Jim." Lucy touched his arms. Figured she was barely keeping him upright. They swayed together, Lucy trying to catch his eyes. "How much have you had to drink?"

"I'm celebrating the new job. I'm back for good." He staggered around. She saw rows of bottles lined up. Mostly empty.

"New job."

"Hawkins Chief-o-Police, they practically begged me to take it." He opened some scotch and spilled it all over the dresser trying to pour. The room was covered in clothing, trash, and towels. "Have a drink with me. To celebrate."

"I really shouldn't."

"Why are you here?" Jim turned, leaning against the TV stand, some black and white flick played behind him. "You look pretty."

"I heard you'd come home and I wanted to see you. Jim, I'm so-"

"Why won't you have a drink with me, Luce?" He pushed a glass of brown liquid into her hands. Clicked their cups and downed his in one go.

looking for the magic. // Jim Hopper x OCWhere stories live. Discover now