You're so cute...

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"Do you reckon Kay would let me take off early?" You asked Chris. You had done extremely well this shift, making excellent calls and remaining calm when being yelled at my an angry man.
Chris, your girlfriend smiled sweetly at you. "He seems in a bad mood today, so maybe not." She chuckled, still staring at you.
You frowned looked down at your feet as you swiveled in your desk chair.
"Don't sulk love, you've only got a half hour left of your shift and then you can go to mine." She smiled.
"When do you finish?" You asked her.
Chris winced. "In fifteen minutes."
"What? No fair..." You grumbled, sulking again.
Chris opened her mouth to answer, still smiling, when Kay rushed past, carrying a clip-board.
"Oh, David!" You called, standing up from you seat.
"Make it quick, L/n."
"Can I take off? I have nothing left to do." You quickly requested.
Kay stopped to look at you. "No." He walked off.
"Aww." You sunk back into you seat, furrowing your brow.
Chris reached over and placed her hand under your chin, making you look up to you. She wore a loving and caring look in her eyes. "You're so cute..." She laughed lightly, staring into you eyes before leaning in further to place her lips on yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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