"Rocco, come closer!" He called the gigantic man again and Kim couldn't believe it.

"Aunt is pretty, isn't she? Doesn't she still look like a beautiful twenty-something girl? Quick, please her and make sure you make a little brother for Kim, okay?" Kim's fists balled up as the huge guy started removing his mother's clothing.

"Stop!!! Stop it, Macau, you monster!" He angrily yelled at Macau.

"I don't like being yelled at." He looks Kim in the eye and the older cousin's anger melted into fear again. Macau motions for Rocco to continue until the woman only had her underwear on her.

"Don't stop until you make sure she's carrying twins." Macau starts to walk away.

"Macau, please. Please I'll do anything." He pleads and Macau motions for Rocco to stop stripping the woman off

"Anything, you say?" Macau smirks in interest.

"Yes, anything you'd like. I'll do it, I'll do anything, I swear!"

"Well then. Now you're talking. I'll cut to the chase since I need to get my hair treated. I want you to keep your family from attacking mine. You have a huge family, I don't. It won't be that hard. You just make sure nothing bad happens to me, my hia, and the people he cares about namely: Pete and his grandmother. Surprised?

Not really, though, right? You already know that." Macau chuckles and then continues.

"If any of us gets harmed, you can say goodbye to your mother. I'll fucking kill her even if it's the last thing I do so don't try me."

"And how do you know it's the main family and not other enemies who want to harm you?" Kim asks.

"Any attack will be blamed on you and will be charged to your mother's body condition" Macau says and Kim understands. He's supposed to guard the minor family. If Kim was being honest, it wouldn't be difficult to fully extinguish the minor family but then, one wrong move and his mother might die so he chooses the safest road and nod at Macau in understanding.

"I understand. I'll make sure none of you get hurt. Just please give me a chance and don't hurt my ma." He understands Macau is keeping his mother. He knows it so he's clearly at a disadvantage so he must comply.

"Good. See, I'm glad you're obedient. You better keep your promise or else..."

"Oh, I almost forgot! Rocco got excited over nothing! Are you alright, Rocco? You need a little help, don't you?" Macau says like he's talking to a dog as he walked behind Kim, slowly lowering the chains, making Kim get on his knees while his elbows fold, laving his hands on his own nape and back. He snapped the chain locked again so he's trapped in that position. Rocco comes closer to him until his crotch is in front of Kim. Kim couldn't believe Macau could do this to him.

"Satisfy him real good or else your mother would have to do it for you." Macau declares nonchalantly as he steps out of the scene.

For sure, Kim would learn his lesson this time for real is what Macau hopes for.

He did after all send him home right after but of course, kept his mother as collateral.

~~~Two weeks after~~~~

Pete's POV:

It's been two weeks since we all left the island. Thinking about it now, those memories were happy ones. I keep thinking about everything, especially about Vegas.

Sure, I lost Lin too and I do pray for her every night but then, what would happen to Vegas? A week ago, I heard only the guardians could confirm the identity of the Supreme leader. If hat's the case, does that mean the other grandsons' guardians could declare them as the leader? Would Vegas be robbed and if that were the case, no matter how hard I try not to think about it, in the corners of my mind, I'm starting to wonder if Macau was right all along.

Island Blues and Greens- VegasPeteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant