Chapter 1: Deal

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The Goddess of Timelines and "The Watcher of Despair" were bored. There was nothing to do, not until a very peculiar timeline showed up. It was the perfect timeline to induce Despair to. They both decided to make a deal with the Cale of this dimension, after all he's not what he seems.


Cale and his friends were inside a tent in the jungle, they were discussing as to what to do at the dead mana. If it explodes the entire Section 7 will be nothing but hell, not only that the citizens in the area will be poisoned by the dead mana. Cale was hiding a giant smile underneath his hand. This was perfect for him.

A white owl barged in their tent holding a letter, landed on Cale's shoulder. Cale took the letter in its mouth and opened it, the contents of the letter are the following:

Hello, I'm  The Goddess of Timelines.
I and my sponsor wishes to make a deal with you, we promise that you will thoroughly entertained by the end of it. If you do accept please place your thumb fingerprint using your blood in the paper, thank you.

"What does it say Young Master Cale?" Rosalyn asked Cale, curious as to what the letter said. The latter did not reply except he bit his thumb then placed it on the paper. The others were shocked by this action because they all know that the commander hates pain.

After placing his fingerprint on the paper Cale felt dizzy. He soon then fainted, the others immediately rushed towards him in worry. Cale consciousness otherwise was in a different location.


Cale woke up in a giant library, it was filled with hundreds of books. He also saw a giant tree in the middle of a room with a glass roof. He can also see a bright sunshine outside of the said roof.

 He can also see a bright sunshine outside of the said roof

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Cale then saw a woman emerge from one of the bookshelves. The woman has dark blue hair with a crimson red streak. She was wearing red glasses over her crimson red eyes. There was a flower crown with red flowers and blue pearls in her head, there was also a book and a floating halo made with glass shards. She has wings gradient of red to blue, she was also wearing a priest robe colored in blue and red.

 She has wings gradient of red to blue, she was also wearing a priest robe colored in blue and red

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