♧Looks like someone got busy last night♧

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"Mav! Breakfast,"Mateo yelled from the kitchen, "waffles waffles waffles, waffles waffles waffles,"I heard his stupid song he made up years ago get closer to my door.

I quickly pulled the covers above me, pushing Eli off the side of my bed so he was stuck between my bed and wall just as he knocked and opened the door.

"Your awake, wow. Man that really ruined my day thanks a lot,"he sighed turning around

"Oh yeah sorry you couldn't prank me awake,"I rolled my eyes, slamming my door shut with the blanket wrapped around me.

I turned around seeing Eli laying on my bed, going back to sleep in nothing but boxers.

"I'll be back, bring you something?"

He sent me a thumbs up, I threw the blanket back on him which he quickly snatched with a wide smile on his face.

After throwing sweats and a shirt on I walked out, seeing Miguel Demetri and Mateo eating at the table.

"Ah there she is, sleeping beauty."Demetrie smiled at me, which I returned.

"Sam stay with you?"Mateo asked not looking uo from his food

"No why?"

"I heard talking last night, and this morning."

"A friend stayed over, sorry for not telling you dad."I huffed, throwing extra waffles on my plate for Eli.

"Yeah, friend."Demetrie scoffed, all three looking behind me making me turn around.

And there stood Eli, with sweats now, nothing else, his hair messy and all over the place, his face in shock, but also, pain, pleasure, and amusement.

"I told you I'd bring you some."I threw my hands up.

"Looks like someone got busy last night."Miguel grinned, taking a bite.

We all looked at Mateo who just gagged again.


"So, last night,"Eli started

"What about last night?"I grinned at him, spinning in my desk chair to look at him.

"What does that make us?"

"What do you want that to make us?"

"I don't know, I was kinda hoping we'd be like, I don't know-"

"Together? You wanna date me Eli?"I teased, crossing my arms.

"Maybe I do, Mavis. Got a problem with that?"he regained his posture on my bed, his confidence flooding back, I stood up walking over to him, hovering above him.

"Not at all."I whispered, straddling him, he grabbed my hips adjusting me.



"Busy day?"miguel looked at Eli and I while we walked into the mall.

"Guess you could say that."Eli grinned, putting his arm around me making me smile.

"Wait- hold on, are you two dating?"Mateo asked

"Was that not obvious?"Eli grinned tightening his grip on me.

"Ew that is so gross, my best friend is dating my sister."

"Just putting this out there, you dated a ton of my best friends which ended alot of friendships."

"Be quiet."he thumped my head making me smack his forehead.

"Guys guys, quit."Demetrie got I'm between us, but we just shoved him away.

"Hold on I gotta take this,"I pulled my phone out, walking away from the group, bringing the phone up to my ear.


"Hey kid, ugh, are you with your brother?"Johnny spoke

"Yeah, he's with me, why?"

"Come down to the hospital for me ok? I'll be in the waiting room."he said and hung up, I looked at the guys with a confused look on my face.


"Johnny,"Mateo walked up to the man, I looked at the two guys he was sitting in between, stopping in my tracks.

"Why the hell are they here?"I scoffed, meeting eyes with Robby, he rolled his eyes looking away.

"I told you she wouldn't want me here."he tried getting up, just for Johnny to push him back down.

"Yeah well I want you here so sit down kid,"Johnny gave him a look, "your dad was attacked, by some other prisoners. Apparently he pissed a few people off and they ganged up on him. He's not in the best condition."

"Seriously? We came here for fucking this? I'm supposed to be watching Boo 2 right now."

"Mateo he's in a coma,"Johnny yelled after my brother who stopped in the doorway, my heart skipped a beat.

I slowly looked at him, my mouth parting, "what?"

"They don't know when, or if he'll wake."he sighed, sitting back down, I sat next to robby in pure shock, not being able to stand.



I dropped my head down, staring at my fingers, messing with my rings.

"I hear you have a boyfriend now, Mavis."kreese spoke, not looking at me, I leaned forward to see him, robby and Johnny staring at me in confusion.

"How the hell did you hear that? It happened last night."

"I have my sources,"he looked at me, I made a disgusted face leaning back.

"So you and that kid with the hair are official huh?"

"Was that not obvious, when we were making out behind the bathrooms at the drive in?"I grinned, side eyeing him, he sighed looking me up and down.

"Shame, always thought you'd get someone that's in your league."

"Yeah, who's my league?"I scoffed


"Are you flirting with me Keene? Why so interested in me or my love life all of a sudden, cause you found out I can actually get a guy?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But just so you know, I kissed a girl the other night."

"Trust me I know you did,"I grinned, thinking back to when Sam called me at two in the morning to tell me about her and robbys kiss.

He gave me a confused look, I sighed looking at the clock on the wall, "Sam's my best friend, Keene. Best friends tell each other, everything."

"Yeah, we used too."he mumbled, looking towards the double doors.

I looked up when Mateo came out the doors, wiping his face. He kept his head down walking out the door, I looked at Johnny, he shrugged. I rolled my eyes going after him.

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