Episode 21: Blue's Big Show!

Start from the beginning

You know what to do!
🎶 We'll sit down in our Thinking Chair and think, think, think!
Cause if you use your mind,
And take a step at a time,
You can do anything that you wanna do! 🎶

Blue: And now that we're ready to play, let's go look for some clues!
(Blue walks around the room, in search of clues.)
Blue: 🎶 We are looking for...Blue's Clues!
I wonder where they are. 🎶
You: A clue!
Blue: You're right. I'm gonna need all the help I can get!
You: A clue! A clue!
Blue: Wait, you see a clue? Where?
You: On you, Blue.

(Blue look at her overalls to find a blue handprint there.)
Blue: Whoa, you're right! There's a clue...on my overalls, which means...I'm the first clue. I'M THE FIRST CLUE! WHOOOOO!!! WHAAAATTTT?? YAYYYY!!!! I've always wanted to be a clue...and now I am. YASSSSS! Hey, you know what we need, right? Our Handy-Dandy...Notebook! (Ding!)

(Blue draws a picture of herself into her notebook.)
Blue: Okay, let's draw me. First, we draw a circle. Then some curves for my hair, two big circles and two little ones inside of them for my eyes, some eyelashes, a nice round nose, a big ol' smile, and some spotted puppy ears. There. That's me, Blue.

(The drawing flies out of the notebook and to the top of Blue's head as she thinks for a moment.)
Blue: So, what do I wanna do for our playdate...that involves me?
(Blue gives you some time to think again.)
Blue: Maybe, maybe. But we might need to find the other two clues first, just to be sure!

Mr. Salt (from the kitchen): Oh, Blue! Could you help me with something?
Blue: Coming, Mr. Salt! Up the tube! Wait, wrong show. (Haha! Nice reference to The Adventures of Kid Danger right there.) I mean, uh... (says this like Cosmo from that one episode of Fairly OddParents) To the kitchen!
(Blue hurries over to the kitchen, where Mr. Salt is building something.)
Blue: Hey, Mr. Salt. Whatcha doing?
Mr. S: Well, Blue, I'm trying to build this stage right here.
Blue: Ooh, it's looking fancy!
Mr. S: It sure is! But the only problem is, some of the parts are missing.
Blue: Don't worry, Mr. Salt. We can help you find them. (To you) Hey, you think you can help us fix Mr. Salt's stage? You do? Great!

Mr. S: Alright, Blue. The first thing we need to find are some curtains. They're both red, and curvy too!
Blue: Curtains, huh? Got it. Let us know if you see them.
(Blue and Mr. Salt look for the curtains until you spot them near the windowsill.)
You: There they are!
Blue: Where?
You: On the windowsill.
Mr. S: Ah, there's the curtains! Great job.
(Mr. Salt puts the curtains on the stage.)

Mr S: Now the next thing we need are 3 planks of wood. You know, so we can stand on the stage.
Blue: Good idea! Don't forget to tell us when you spot them.
(Blue and Mr. Salt search for the planks before you spot them laying beside the fridge.)
You: Found them!
Mr. S: Where?
You: Beside the refrigerator.
Blue: Yes! You found the planks! Nice thinking.
(Blue puts the planks down one by one on the stage.)

Mr. S: We're almost done building the stage! We just need one more thing.
Blue: What is it?
Mr. S: A rope.
Blue: Ooh! But wait, what would you need a rope on a stage for?
Mr. S: That's just it, Blue. That part's a surprise!
Blue: Wow, I sure do love surprises! Let's see if we can find the rope.
(Blue and Mr. Salt look all around the kitchen for the rope until you spot it on a stool.)
You: There's the rope!
Blue: You see it? Where?
You: On that stool.
Mr. S: Hey, there's the rope! And just in time, too!
(Mr. Salt ties a knot to strap the rope into the stage.)

Blue: Well, would you look at that? We helped Mr. Salt build his stage.
Mr. S: Thanks so much, Blue.
Blue: Aww, it was nothing.
Mr. S: And thank you, too! I'd better show everyone my new stage. Au revoir, Blue. See you later!
Blue. Bye, Mr. Salt! But where could that next clue be, though?

Blue's Playdate With You!: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now