Son of Osirs

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Arr goes to oringle artiste Nia: wakes up in a unfamiliar place Nia where am I Oath: your in the god realm. Nia: didn't think you be able to come here.Oath: I'm was never banished you know I just die henceforth the name the dead Pharos god. Nia: you used my name for once. Oath:now's not the time you need to get out of the country to stay away from that .man.  Nia you mean the one who tried to kill me Oath yes Nia who is he.  Oath his name is  Umar. Nia: great so the son of basically life and death is after me. Nia so what his role in this. Oath unlike him his destiny is bound to you like mind he can use you to become a powerful god in which he wants to rule under his dictatorship. Nia so he wants to kill me to rule the world in a dictatorship government great. Nia so can we leave now Oath not quite yet one of my orable needs to put a spell on you. Nia well let's go them Nia gets up and feels a pain in her stomach oww Oath catch her as they share an inmate moment. Oath uh let's get you to that oracle . Nia. Yeah to the oracle oracle what would you like my king Oath this girl or my successor needs a protection spell from Umar. Oracle so Umar found her huh Oath yes oracle well chop chop young lady I need you to lay here Nia lays down and is put into a slumber oracle I didn't expect a young person to have to help you she has so much potential to live for as the oracle dose the spell she sees a scar on Nia arm that is hidden now what is this . The oracle curiosity look in her memories to see something shocking and sad she frown how could such a girl have to deal with this. Oath what do you see oracle I can't put in words let me just show you. The oracle takes his hand and projects Nia memories Oath See's a little girl about 8 playing on a playground he then sees three girls talk to her and tell them to follow her the little girl follow the girl asking the. Why those three girls then beat her so bad she gets knocked out and taken to the er then get blamed for her so call hurting them because she's black be the process of the beating happens again again til she in late highschool. Oath is shock at how such a girl like Nia had too deal with I didn't know . Oracle it's sad how the good people in the world have to deal with things like to this to become good don't ruin the bond you have with her personal. Oath what do you mean personal oracle I've seen you look at her  you didn't expect a girl to be lile her and you secretly like. Oath maybe I do. Oracle is should probably wake her up your free to go Oath come on Little muharib Nia ok  Oath gets some sleep we leave in the morning.  Muharib means warrior in Arabic that's all see you in the next chapter.

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