Chapter 20: Clara's Request

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"Thanks, Sarah. See you two love birds later," Clara says with a chirp and walks to wherever her pickpocket empire goes.

"I still haven't heard what the request was, Sarah."

"Ah, right, since we have to wait until the Maharajah contacts us, I was hoping to visit the orphanage. Clara asked us to establish one. I was all for it and bought a complex to transform it into an orphanage. We have been busy the last few weeks so I had no time to visit. I am very curious to see what the end result is," Sarah explains.

She has given the contract to a construction company and hired some experienced women and men as staff. Sarah only hopes it has not taken the same strict regime as most of the orphanages. It breaks her heart to see those dreary and cold places the kids have to grow up in. How could someone treat children like they are some kind of soldiers? They need to be given comfort, care, and love.

"That's very kind of you, Sarah. Mind if I join you?" Evie asked as she plopped down next to her. Her head soon rested on Sarah's lap, snuggling into her warmth.

"Of course, love. You are always welcome to join me anywhere I go."

The women walk together through the streets toward the newest orphanage. It was by no means located in the wealthiest neighborhood, but it also wasn't located in the poorest. Somewhere in the middle which was the best Sarah could manage on short notice. As they walk, they converse about small things, big and deep topics. One of the topics Evie likes to talk about is the precursor artefacts.

"Do you know what the shroud does, Sarah? I read only a few things about it. The only thing it does as far as I know is that it heals the body," Evie says.

"And that is what it does. It heals the body from any damage, disease, or anything you can think of. It can even heal the body if the wearer is killed," Sarah answers easily. It surprised Evie as she looks at Sarah.

"It can bring back the dead?"

"No, you can't just pop it on a dead body and heal it. Only if the body died while the shroud was already worn does it bring back the dead. Why the interest?" Sarah asks. Evie sighs as she watches the people and carriage around her for a moment.

"Lucy said it gives immortality. From the looks of it, the shroud does just that. One would be immortal while wearing it," Evie says as both of them turn a corner.

"Oh, it doesn't. You grow old and eventually die, probably as one of the oldest people. Still, you will die at one point."

Evie thought for a moment before she looks at Sarah with curiosity. Sarah smiles as she sees her looking at her. It wouldn't take much for Evie to figure it out. That's what Sarah loves about Evie, the woman has a brilliant mind.

"How do you know all these details? It sounds almost as if you are an expert with personal experience," Evie asks Sarah. The blond smiles as she stops for a moment. A quick glance around for any suspicious people before she answered. Her voice was softer and quieter as they stood together in a secluded spot.

"Olivia and I met someone with a lot of experience regarding the artefacts. Her name was Kassandra. During our stay in Italy, we knew she was searching and learning about the artefacts. Maria had already disappeared by that time. The last place Olivia and I visited was Monteriggioni Villa. We met her there and talked. Quite the woman," Sarah explains further.

"Kassandra... Was she an Assassin? How does she know so much?" Evie asks.

"I have sworn not to speak about it, Evie. She said I can share my knowledge of the artefacts with those I trust but she asked me not to spread her origin and personal information. I am sorry, I can only say her name," Sarah says with a softer tone, "But there are items that could grant immortality. I only know of a few and most are not obtainable for they are destroyed while others are lost."

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