Way easier than having the 20-something racks against each wall.

It looks way cleaner too.

Well aesthetically speaking.

Yeah, I was going for out of sight out of mind.

So it's this whole rack then?

Yep, this whole thing is all Christmas decor.

Damn, I think you have way more stuff to decorate with than me.

But the best part is we can combine all of our decorations.

If you want to...

Are you kidding the more decorations the better!

But I  think I have way more because I have a lot of house to decorate and I decorate every room in this house.



Every room gets decorated obviously the living room and room just off the entryway and the staircase get the most decorations everything else gets something even if its a small snowglobe or tree.

Oh yeah, talk Christmas to me.

You are so so odd sometimes you know that.

Oh yeah it's my specialty at this point.

*lowers storage rack*

*rubs hands together* Oh yeah come to momma.

Someone is a little excited.

Its Christmas it is my favorite time of the year.

Nothing makes me happier than decorating for Christmas with my loved ones.

*opens the closest box* Now let's see what we've got going on in these boxes. 

*reaches into the box* Well would you look at that...


You know what that means.

*narrows eyes and points to Hailee* You have to give me a kiss or it's bad luck.

Now I'm not superstitious but... *kisses y/n*

I'll take any opportunity to give you a kiss.

So do you want to give me a hand with these boxes of decorations?

Of course, I'll help you out. *puts mistletoe back*

You grab these 2 boxes and I can grab the big tote.

Okay sounds like something I can do.

Okay, here all of the decorations are in the living room now.

Now we get to open up all of these boxes and totes and start decorating.

But the most important part is the music for the occasion.

Here I have been building this playlist for years but I think I'll start it off with THE Christmas song.

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