46 | Order of the Headmaster

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*I repeat, third years are confirmed love interests

*Luke will be sorted in Heartslabyul and will stay with his Mother (Name)

- Diasomnia Dorm, Lounge -

     "I hope you didn't cause any problems for them to worry about, Luke," the demoness uttered as she removed the makeup on her face. The angel ran towards the butler and she immediately carried the angel, "(Name)! You're back! I and those guys did a lot of fun things like riding a broom like a wizard! Also went outside the school to roam around, the castle is so big!" Luke exclaimed, grinning.

     "He's an energetic child," Horn-san commented and patted the angel's head. "Pardon for an inconvenient favor, Horn-san," she apologized. The man merely chuckled at the demoness's apology, seemingly amused by it, Lilia on the other hand is begging the butler to bake him sweets because he can't concentrate.

The demoness sighed at her newly found babysitting babies, alike the ones she have in Devildom. *Beep* "(Name), don't be too close to them. Be careful because, shortly, something will happen to you," the unknown sender told her. She looked at her dorm mates, gazing sharply as if she were memorizing their movements, but what danger is coming to her?

     "(Name)-san, join us..." Silver said, pulling the demoness's wrist to have a sleepover in her room. "No, (Name)-chan will bake with me, Silver! I'm your guardian! You better listen to me!" The Vanrouge yelled, pulling the other wrist of the butler.

     "Gentlemen, please calm down..." The butler begged. "(Name)-sama shall teach me how to cast spells without using a magical pen, so you all should give up! Let me have her attention!" Sebek yelled, hugging the demoness's left leg.

     "No! (Name) is coming with me!" Luke joined the battle, hugging Barbatos's right leg. "Oh, dear... Horn-san, please help me remove the disobedient kids," she favored.

The unknown sender watched from the windows of Diasomnia, staring at the commotion inside. Malleus or Horn-san must've sensed them, gazing back to the unknown sender's cold eyes. They were wearing a large cloaks, for people to unable to see their identity. Within a blink of an eye, the unknown sender disappeared in black smoke, leaving the dorm...

     "If you all won't behave, I won't help you," the butler scolded.

- (Next Day) Ramshackle Dorm, Lounge -

     "Ahhh... This is boring! I also want to play that Magift game they're talking about!" Grim complained, throwing a shard of glass on a wall. Yuu gave him a mocking look, "Well, you're not in a qualified dorm, Grim. You can only dream sadly," he snickered.

     "Shut up!"

     "What's up, Grim-y boy~? What made your fur sad, hm~?" One of the ghosts appeared, placing its transparent arms on the cat's shoulders. Another ghost appeared, laughing at Grim's state, "He's gloomy because the Headmaster didn't let him enter the Magift~!" He laughed.

     "If you want to play so bad, then why not play with us?" The last ghost suggested. "We cause the uproar in a Magift Tournament 90 years ago~!" He added. Grim pouted, looking at the ghosts, "Isn't Magift requires seven players—"

     "That's alright since it's not official anyway!"

The ghosts took Yuu and Grim to play Magift—there were no rules as long as Grim shoot the disk to the ghosts' goal with Yuu helping him. Yuu was carrying the disk and Grim will focus on the offense. One of the ghosts scared Grim, making them get the disk from Yuu and throw it to their goal. In the end, they lost against the ghosts...

     "Hello, everyone~!" The Headmaster entered the dorm. "Are you perhaps playing Magift?" He asked. Grim huffed and crossed his arms, not wanting to talk to the Headmaster, "It's the annoying guy who always disappoints me," he remarked.

     The Headmaster disregarded Grim's comment, "I see that you're getting along with the dorm ghosts. How touching~!" He praised, clapping his hands. "We're not getting along! Do you hear me?! What do you want anyway, Headmaster?!" Grim yelled.

     The Headmaster's expression turned into a worried one, "This is a serious matter, so we might as well get inside the dorm."

Once they entered the dorm, a few complaints from Grim was received by the Headmaster because he's gonna have another request for them. The series of injured students increased this month and that incident that happened yesterday makes it 10 today, which is unusual because, for the past tournaments that occurred, such several injured students weren't as great at this...

The peculiar thing is the fact the injured students are the Magift players in different dorms, which could be the perpetrator behind all of this must be focusing to win against different dorms with ease. The Headmaster has decided to let Grim and Yuu investigate this matter since he still has other businesses to take care of...

     "I smell foul play," Yuu commented. "Good guess, Yuu-kun. I'm afraid I can't prove it's foul play because the victims are amidst the crowd before they're injured. Witnesses have told me they're just being careless," the Headmaster sadly told them.

     "Sounds like they're being clumsy anyway! Problem solved!" Grim exclaimed in a sarcastic tone. "How disappointing, Grim!" The Headmaster gave a sad tone.

Grim huffed and crossed his arms, avoiding the Headmaster's gaze at him. Not until the Headmaster gave him an interesting offer—for Grim and Yuu to be one of the players in Magift. The Headmaster gave a detailed description of Grim's performance in Magift, causing for Yuu to slap his forehead because of the Headmaster's gaslighting...

     "Since you declined that you'll investigate this matter, do forget what I said, Grim—"

     "WAIT! We'll do it! We'll do it!" Grim yelled, grabbing the Headmaster's coat. Crowley gave Grim a raised eyebrow, not convinced, "We'll do it! Entering the tournament changes everything!" He yelled.

     "Don't we need seven players?" Yuu asked.

     Crowley chuckled, "Don't fret, my dear Yuu-kun. As your gracious Headmaster, I shall provide a magical miracle to create a team for your dorm~!" He assured and patted the dorm leader of Ramshackle's head. Grim was jumping up and down in joy, "Let's go, Yuu! You got it, Headmaster! Don't worry, we'll find the culprit in no time!" He assured.

     "Great! I'll be counting on you two!"

- Lunch, West Hallway -

     "You haven't wiped the lipstick on your cheek, Professor Crewel," she teased, looking at the purple lipstick on his cheek. The Professor coughed in disbelief, "You don't need to point at it, Ms. (Name). I'm too busy to wipe it off, but I can assure you it's gone after dismissal."

     "Of course, Professor," she smiled.

As they were about to enter the cafeteria, someone pushed the demoness from the back. Crewel immediately took the demoness's wrist to prevent her from hitting the cracked tile on the floor, seems like she isn't safe from the tampering of the contestants for the Magift...



(✔︎) Personal Butler | 𝙏𝙒𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙇𝘼𝙉𝘿Where stories live. Discover now